DkmClrModuleFlags Enum


Flags which indicates traits of a DkmModuleInstance which has been loaded by the CLR.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class DkmClrModuleFlags
public enum class DkmClrModuleFlags
enum DkmClrModuleFlags
public enum DkmClrModuleFlags
type DkmClrModuleFlags = 
Public Enum DkmClrModuleFlags


Dynamic 1

Module is a dynamic module (types can be added to the module as it runs).

FullyTrusted 4

Corresponds to the value returned by ICorDebugAssembly2::IsFullyTrusted. If the CLR the process is running on does not implement ICorDebugAssembly2 or ICorDebugAssembly2::IsFullyTrusted fails, this flag will not be set.

None 0

No CLR module flags are set.

RuntimeModule 2

Set if the module is the core module for the managed runtime (mscorlib.dll).

Applies to