WebPermission.FromXml(SecurityElement) Metoda


Rekonstruuje WebPermission kódování XML.

 override void FromXml(System::Security::SecurityElement ^ securityElement);
public override void FromXml (System.Security.SecurityElement securityElement);
override this.FromXml : System.Security.SecurityElement -> unit
Public Overrides Sub FromXml (securityElement As SecurityElement)



Kódování XML, ze kterého chcete rekonstruovat WebPermission.


Parametr securityElement je null.

securityElement není element oprávnění pro tento typ.


Následující příklad vytvoří System.Security.SecurityElement, naplní jeho atributy a používá FromXml k přenosu těchto informací do instance .WebPermission

// Create  a WebPermission without permission on the protected resource
WebPermission^ myWebPermission1 = gcnew WebPermission( PermissionState::None );

// Create a SecurityElement by calling the ToXml method on the WebPermission
// instance and display its attributes (which hold the XML encoding of
// the WebPermission).
Console::WriteLine( "Attributes and Values of the WebPermission are:" );

// Create another WebPermission with no permission on the protected resource
WebPermission^ myWebPermission2 = gcnew WebPermission( PermissionState::None );

//Converts the new WebPermission from XML using myWebPermission1.
myWebPermission2->FromXml( myWebPermission1->ToXml() );

// Create  a WebPermission without permission on the protected resource.
WebPermission myWebPermission1 = new WebPermission(PermissionState.None);

// Create a SecurityElement by calling the ToXml method on the WebPermission 
// instance and display its attributes (which hold the XML encoding of 
// the WebPermission).
Console.WriteLine("Attributes and Values of the WebPermission are :");

// Create another WebPermission with no permission on the protected resource.
WebPermission myWebPermission2 = new WebPermission(PermissionState.None);

//Converts the new WebPermission from XML using myWebPermission1.
' Create  a WebPermission without permission on the protected resource.
Dim myWebPermission1 As New WebPermission(PermissionState.None)

' Create a SecurityElement by calling the ToXml method on the WebPermission 
' instance and display its attributes (which hold the XML encoding of 
' the WebPermission).
Console.WriteLine("Attributes and Values of the WebPermission are :")

' Create another WebPermission with no permission on the protected resource.
Dim myWebPermission2 As New WebPermission(PermissionState.None)

'Converts the new WebPermission from XML using myWebPermission1.


Metoda FromXml rekonstruuje WebPermission kódování XML, které je definováno SecurityElement třídou.

Použijte metodu ToXml WebPermissionk kódování XML , včetně informací o stavu.

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