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Generate meeting side panel

Add meeting side panel to Teams

  1. In your cloned repository, go to csharp > SidePanel > AppManifest.

  2. Create a .zip file with the following files that are present in the AppManifest folder:

    • manifest.json

    • outline.png

    • color.png

      Screenshot shows the app manifest folder with manifest zip file.

  3. Create a meeting with a few presenters and attendees.

  4. After the meeting is created, join the meeting.

  5. Go to the meeting details page, and select the Apps icon to add an app.

  6. In the pop-up window, select Manage apps.

    Screenshot shows the option to add an app in manage app section.

  7. Select Upload an app.

  8. Go to csharp > SidePanel > AppManifest.

  9. Select Open to upload the .zip file that you created in the AppManifest folder.

    Screenshot of the cloned repository with Side Manifest zip file and Open option highlighted in red.

  10. Select Add.

    Screenshot of the app details dialog to add the side panel app.

  11. Select Open to open the app in personal scope.

    Alternatively, you can either search and select the required scope or select a chat or meeting from the list, and move through the dialog to select Go.

    Screenshot of the scope selection dialog to select the scope to which you want to add the side panel app.

    The Manage apps section displays the list of applications.

    Screenshot of Manage apps displaying the list of applications.

  12. Go to Teams meeting.

  13. Select Apps.

    In the app selection page, the Side Panel app is displayed.

  14. Select the Side Panel app.

    Screenshot with the side panel app highlighted in red.

  15. Select Save.

    Screenshot of Side Panel with Save option highlighted in red.

    The app is visible in the meeting side panel.