Sdílet prostřednictvím

Microsoft.Data.Edm.Values Namespace


  Interface Description
Public interface IEdmBinaryValue Represents an EDM binary value.
Public interface IEdmBooleanValue Represents an EDM boolean value.
Public interface IEdmCollectionValue Represents an EDM collection value.
Public interface IEdmDateTimeOffsetValue Represents an EDM datetime with offset value.
Public interface IEdmDateTimeValue Represents an EDM datetime value.
Public interface IEdmDecimalValue Represents an EDM decimal value.
Public interface IEdmDelayedValue Represents a delayed value.
Public interface IEdmEnumValue Represents an EDM enumeration type value.
Public interface IEdmFloatingValue Represents an EDM floating point value.
Public interface IEdmGuidValue Represents an EDM integer value.
Public interface IEdmIntegerValue Represents an EDM integer value.
Public interface IEdmNullValue Represents the EDM null value.
Public interface IEdmPrimitiveValue Represents a base class for EDM primitive value.
Public interface IEdmPropertyValue Represents a value of an EDM property.
Public interface IEdmStringValue Represents an EDM string value.
Public interface IEdmStructuredValue Represents an EDM structured value.
Public interface IEdmTimeValue Represents an EDM time value.
Public interface IEdmValue Represents an EDM value.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration EdmValueKind Specifies an enumeration of Edm values.