Tento obsah už pravidelně neaktualizujeme. Informace o způsobu podpory tohoto produktu, služby, technologie nebo rozhraní API najdete v tématu věnovaném životnímu cyklu produktů Microsoftu.
This topic describes the Web Deployment Tool provider named dbSqlPackage included with SSDT, which works with the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Deployment Tool (MSDeploy.exe), used for the following tasks:
Extract a .dacpac file from a remote/local SQL Server or SQL Azure database.
Publish a .dacpac to a remote/local SQL Server or SQL Azure database to incrementally upgrade it.
Publish from a local SQL Server database to a remote SQL Server or SQL Azure database to incrementally upgrade the remote database.
Compare a .dacpac to a remote/local SQL Server or SQL Azure database to generate an incremental upgrade Transact-SQL script without updating the live database.
Generate an XML report that summarizes the incremental upgrade changes that would occur if the database was incrementally upgraded.