Microsoft Invest - Smart Image Adjustments for native creatives
Buyers can use Smart Image Adjustments to automatically resize their main native creative image and icon with a few clicks of the mouse so that they can quickly meet the publisher's placement criteria.
Access Smart Image Adjustments for native creatives
By default, the Allow Smart Image Adjustments toggle is enabled for all buyers that have access to Microsoft Invest or Microsoft Monetize. To keep to our recommended native best practices, see Native Buy-Side Best Practices.
Smart Image Adjustments workflow
If buyers bid with a native creative image that doesn't exactly match the dimensions of a publisher's placement, Microsoft Advertising will automatically resize the image by adding white bars to fill the placement when the Allow Smart Image Adjustments toggle is enabled. If the buyer doesn't want white bars added, they should select the Crop image to fit placement radio button after selecting the Allow Smart Image Adjustments toggle so that the image is cropped and centered without white bars. For more information, see Add a Creative and Add Creatives in Bulk.
When using Smart Image Adjustments within Microsoft Invest and Microsoft Monetize, the main native creative image and icon can only be resized up to 200% and down to 50% of the original aspect ratio. Smart Image Adjustments can also convert native creative images vertically and horizontally. This can be done with our Creative Service API , which gives you more control over the max scale factor and aspect ratio bounds. For more information, see Creative Service API. The original dimensions of the native creative ultimately determine what is possible.
Objevte generátory obrázků využívajících AI. Seznamte se s nástroji pro vytváření obrázků, jako je Microsoft Image Creator. Seznamte se s jejich potenciálními aplikacemi na pracovišti a nastavení školení a objevte osvědčené postupy pro optimální výsledky. Vylepšete své dovednosti a transformujte svůj kreativní proces pomocí generátorů obrázků využívajících AI.