17. mar., 21 - 21. mar., 10
Deltag i meetup-serien for at bygge skalerbare AI-løsninger baseret på brugscases fra den virkelige verden sammen med andre udviklere og eksperter.
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This table is part of Microsoft Defender for Endpoints with Azure Sentinel. This table contains Machine information, including OS information.
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | - |
Categories | Security |
Solutions | SecurityInsights |
Basic log | No |
Ingestion-time transformation | Yes |
Sample Queries | - |
Column | Type | Description |
AadDeviceId | string | Unique identifier for the device in Azure Active Directory. |
AdditionalFields | dynamic | Additional information about the entity or event. |
AssetValue | string | Indicates the value of a device as assigned by the user. |
AwsResourceName | string | Unique identifier of the AWS resource associated with the device. |
AzureResourceId | string | Unique identifier of the Azure resource associated with the device. |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
ClientVersion | string | Version of the endpoint agent or sensor running on the machine. |
DeviceCategory | string | Broader classification that groups certain device types under the following categories: Endpoint, Network device, IoT, Unknown. |
DeviceDynamicTags | string | Device tags added and removed dynamically based on dynamic rules. |
DeviceId | string | Unique identifier for the device in the service. |
DeviceManualTags | string | Device tags created manually using the portal UI or public API. |
DeviceName | string | Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the device. |
DeviceObjectId | string | Unique identifier for the device in Azure AD. |
DeviceSubtype | string | Additional modifier for certain types of devices, for example, a mobile device can be a tablet or a smartphone; only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute. |
DeviceType | string | Type of device based on purpose and functionality, such as network device, workstation, server, mobile, gaming console, or printer. |
ExclusionReason | string | Indicates the reason for device exclusion. |
ExposureLevel | string | Indicates the exposure level of a device. |
GcpFullResourceName | string | Unique identifier of the AWS resource associated with the device. |
IsAzureADJoined | bool | Boolean indicator of whether machine is joined to the Azure Active Directory. |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
IsExcluded | bool | Determines if the device is currently excluded from Microsoft Defender for Vulnerability Management experiences. |
IsInternetFacing | bool | Indicates whether the device is internet-facing. |
JoinType | string | The device's Azure Active Directory join type. |
LoggedOnUsers | dynamic | List of all users that are logged on the machine at the time of the event in JSON array format. |
MachineGroup | string | Machine group used to determine access to the machine and apply group-specific settings. |
MergedDeviceIds | string | Previous device IDs that have been assigned to the same device. |
MergedToDeviceId | string | The most recent device ID assigned to a device. |
Model | string | Model name or number of the product from the vendor or manufacturer, only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute. |
OnboardingStatus | string | Indicates whether the device is currently onboarded or not to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint or if the device is not supported. |
OSArchitecture | string | Architecture of the operating system running on the machine. |
OSBuild | long | Build version of the operating system running on the machine. |
OSDistribution | string | Distribution of the OS platform, such as Ubuntu or RedHat for Linux platforms. |
OSPlatform | string | Platform of the operating system running on the machine. This indicates specific operating systems, including variations within the same family, such as Windows 10 and Windows 7. |
OSVersion | string | Version of the operating system running on the machine. |
OSVersionInfo | string | Additional information about the OS version, such as the popular name, code name, or version number. |
PublicIP | string | Public IP address used by the onboarded machine to connect to the Windows Defender ATP service. This could be the IP address of the machine itself, a NAT device, or a proxy. |
RegistryDeviceTag | string | Device tag added through the registry. |
ReportId | long | Event identifier based on a repeating counter. To identify unique events, this column must be used in conjunction with the ComputerName and EventTime columns.. |
SensorHealthState | string | Indicates health of the device's EDR sensor, if onboarded to Microsoft Defender For Endpoint. |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
TimeGenerated | datetime | Date and time the event was recorded by the MDE agent on the endpoint. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
Vendor | string | Name of the product vendor or manufacturer, only available if device discovery finds enough information about this attribute. |
17. mar., 21 - 21. mar., 10
Deltag i meetup-serien for at bygge skalerbare AI-løsninger baseret på brugscases fra den virkelige verden sammen med andre udviklere og eksperter.
Tilmeld dig nuTræning
Perform device investigations in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Training
Perform device investigations in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
Microsoft 365-certificeret: Partner for slutpunktsadministrator - Certifications
Planlæg og udfør en strategi for udrulning af slutpunkter ved hjælp af vigtige elementer i moderne administration, tilgange til medadministration og Integration af Microsoft Intune.