17. mar., 21 - 21. mar., 10
Deltag i meetup-serien for at bygge skalerbare AI-løsninger baseret på brugscases fra den virkelige verden sammen med andre udviklere og eksperter.
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Update Compliance - Update Event that combines the latest client-based data with the latest service-based data to create a complete picture for one device (client) and one update.
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | - |
Categories | - |
Solutions | LogManagement, WaaSUpdateInsights |
Basic log | No |
Ingestion-time transformation | Yes |
Sample Queries | - |
Column | Type | Description |
AzureADDeviceId | string | A GUID corresponding to the AAD Tenant to which the device belongs. |
AzureADTenantId | string | A GUID corresponding to this device's AAD Device ID. |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
CatalogId | string | The update catalog ID. |
ClientState | string | Higher-level bucketization of ClientSubstate. |
ClientSubstate | string | Last-known state of this update relative to the device, from the client (the device's WDD). |
ClientSubstateRank | int | Ranking of Client Substates for sequential ordering in funnel-type views. The rankings between ServiceSubstate and ClientSubstate can be used together. |
ClientSubstateTime | datetime | DateTime of last Client Substate transition. |
DeploymentId | string | The identifier of the Deployment that is targeting this update to this device, else empty. |
DeviceName | string | Device's given name. |
EventData | string | Json to fill with arbitrary K/V pairs. Used to populate contextual data that would otherwise be sparsely populated if elevated to a field always present in the schema. |
FurthestClientSubstate | string | Furthest clientSubstate. |
FurthestClientSubstateRank | int | Ranking of furthest clientSubstate. |
GlobalDeviceId | string | Microsoft internal Global Device Identifier |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
IsHotpatchUpdate | bool | Status of whether a device is taking a windows security update without requiring a restart or not |
IsUpdateHealthy | bool | True: No issues preventing this device from updating to this update have been found. False: There is something that may prevent this device from updating. |
OfferReceivedTime | datetime | DateTime when device last reported entering OfferReceived, else empty. |
RestartRequiredTime | datetime | DateTime when device first reported entering RebootRequired (or RebootPending), else empty. |
SCCMClientId | string | A GUID corresponding to the SCCM Client ID on the device. |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
TargetBuild | string | The full build of the content this DeviceUpdateEvent is tracking. For Windows 10 updates, this would correspond to the full build (10.0.14393.385). |
TargetBuildNumber | int | Integer of the Major portion of Build. |
TargetKBNumber | string | KB Article. |
TargetRevisionNumber | int | Integer or the Minor (or Revision) portion of Build. |
TargetVersion | string | The target OS Version - eg, 1909. |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
TimeGenerated | datetime | The time the snapshot generated this specific record. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
UpdateCategory | string | The type of content this DeviceUpdateEvent is tracking. |
UpdateClassification | string | Whether this content is an Upgrade (FU), Security (QU), NonSecurity (QU). |
UpdateConnectivityLevel | string | Whether or not this device is maintaining a sufficiently cumulative and continuous connection to Windows Update so the update can progress optimally. |
UpdateDisplayName | string | The long-form display name for the given update. Varies on content type (FU/QU). |
UpdateHealthGroupL1 | string | Grouping design to describe the current update installation's "health", L1 (highest-level). |
UpdateHealthGroupL2 | string | Second grouping, subset of L1, more detailed. |
UpdateHealthGroupL3 | string | Third grouping, subset of L3, more detailed. |
UpdateHealthGroupRankL1 | int | Integer for ranking the L1 UpdateHealthGroup. |
UpdateHealthGroupRankL2 | int | Integer for ranking the L2 UpdateHealthGroup. |
UpdateHealthGroupRankL3 | int | Integer for ranking the L3 UpdateHealthGroup. |
UpdateId | string | Update ID of the targeted update. |
UpdateInstalledTime | datetime | DateTime when event transitioned to UpdateInstalled, else empty. |
UpdateManufacturer | string | Manufacturer of update. Microsoft for WU FU/QU, for D&F name of driver manufacturer e.g. NVIDIA. |
UpdateReleaseTime | datetime | The release date of the update. |
UpdateSource | string | The source of the update - UUP, MUv6, Media. |
17. mar., 21 - 21. mar., 10
Deltag i meetup-serien for at bygge skalerbare AI-løsninger baseret på brugscases fra den virkelige verden sammen med andre udviklere og eksperter.
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MD-101 Manage updates and use analytics - Training
MD-101 Manage updates and use analytics