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Hourly usage data for each table in the workspace.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories Azure Monitor
Solutions LogManagement
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation No
Sample Queries Yes


Column Type Description
AvgLatencyInSeconds real Deprecated
BatchesCapped long Deprecated
BatchesOutsideSla long Deprecated
BatchesWithinSla long Deprecated
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
Computer string Deprecated
DataType string Table that usage is being reported about.
EndTime datetime End time of the one hour aggregation window.
IsBillable bool Logical flag to indicate whether we bill for this data record.
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
LinkedMeterId string Deprecated
LinkedResourceUri string Deprecated
MeterId string GUID of the meter used for billing.
Quantity real Size of data in Mbytes.
QuantityUnit string Value is alwais Mbytes.
ResourceUri string The URI of the workspace. This will be same for all records in this table in workspace.
Solution string Solution about which usage is being reported.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
StartTime datetime Start time of the 1 hour aggregation window (same as TimeGenerated).
TimeGenerated datetime Date and time the record was created.
TotalBatches long Deprecated
Type string The name of the table