Microsoft.Authorization/*/read |
Read roles and role assignments |
Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/deploy/action |
Deploy permissions to a Custom Location resource |
Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/read |
Gets a Custom Location resource |
Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/extensions/read |
Reads any Azure Arc extensions |
Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/read |
Read any Azure Arc machines |
Microsoft.Insights/alertRules/* |
Create and manage a classic metric alert |
Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/read |
Read connectedClusters |
Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration/extensions/read |
Gets extension instance resource |
Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabricControllers/join/action |
Join action for Network Fabric Controller resource. |
Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkFabrics/join/action |
Join action for Network Fabric resource. |
Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkRacks/join/action |
Join action for Network Rack resource. |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/cordon/action |
Cordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/delete |
Delete the provided bare metal machine. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system. |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/powerOff/action |
Power off the provided bare metal machine |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/read |
Get properties of the provided bare metal machine |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/reimage/action |
Reimage the provided bare metal machine |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/replace/action |
Replace the provided bare metal machine |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/restart/action |
Restart the provided bare metal machine |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runDataExtracts/action |
Run one or more data extractions on the provided bare metal machine. |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/runReadCommands/action |
Run one or more read-only commands on the provided bare metal machine. |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/start/action |
Start the provided bare metal machine |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/uncordon/action |
Uncordon the provided bare metal machine's Kubernetes node |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/bareMetalMachines/write |
Create a new bare metal machine or update the properties of the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected while life cycling the resource. |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/delete |
Delete the provided cluster manager |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/read |
Get the properties of the provided cluster manager |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusterManagers/write |
Create a new cluster manager or update properties of the cluster manager if it exists |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bareMetalMachineKeySets/read |
Get bare metal machine key set of the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/bmcKeySets/read |
Get baseboard management controller key set of the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/continueUpdateVersion/action |
Trigger the continuation of an update for a cluster with a matching update strategy that has paused after completing a segment of the update |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/delete |
Delete the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/deploy/action |
Deploy the cluster using the rack configuration provided during creation |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/delete |
Delete the metrics configuration of the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/read |
Get metrics configuration of the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/metricsConfigurations/write |
Create new or update the existing metrics configuration of the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/read |
Get properties of the provided cluster |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/scanRuntime/action |
Triggers the execution of a runtime protection scan to detect and remediate detected issues, in accordance with the cluster configuration |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/updateVersion/action |
Update the version of the provided cluster to one of the available supported versions |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/clusters/write |
Create a new cluster or update the properties of the cluster if it exists |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/locations/operationStatuses/read |
Read operation status |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/operations/read |
Read operation |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/rackSkus/read |
Get the properties of the provided rack SKU |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/delete |
Delete the provided rack. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/join/action |
Join a Nexus rack |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/read |
Get properties of the provided rack |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/racks/write |
Create a new rack or update properties of the existing one. All customer initiated requests will be rejected as the life cycle of this resource is managed by the system |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/register/action |
Register the subscription for Microsoft.NetworkCloud |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/registeredSubscriptions/read |
Read registered subscriptions |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/storageAppliances/read |
Get properties of the provided storage appliance |
Microsoft.NetworkCloud/unregister/action |
Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.NetworkCloud |
Microsoft.Resources/deployments/* |
Create and manage a deployment |
Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/resourceGroups/read |
Gets or lists resource groups |