How to use Queue Storage from C++


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This guide will show you how to perform common scenarios using the Azure Queue Storage service. The samples are written in C++ and use the Azure Storage client library for C++. The scenarios covered include inserting, peeking, getting, and deleting queue messages, as well as creating and deleting queues.


This guide targets the Azure Storage client library for C++ v1.0.0 and above. The recommended version is Azure Storage client library v2.2.0, which is available via NuGet or GitHub.

What is Queue storage?

Azure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. A single queue message can be up to 64 KB in size, and a queue can contain millions of messages, up to the total capacity limit of a storage account. Queue storage is often used to create a backlog of work to process asynchronously.

Queue service concepts

The Azure Queue service contains the following components:

Azure Queue service components

  • Storage Account: All access to Azure Storage is done through a storage account. For more information about storage accounts, see Storage account overview.

  • Queue: A queue contains a set of messages. All messages must be in a queue. Note that the queue name must be all lowercase. For information on naming queues, see Naming Queues and Metadata.

  • Message: A message, in any format, of up to 64 KB. The maximum time that a message can remain in the queue is 7 days. For version 2017-07-29 or later, the maximum time-to-live can be any positive number, or -1 indicating that the message doesn't expire. If this parameter is omitted, the default time-to-live is seven days.

  • URL format: Queues are addressable using the following URL format: http://<storage account><queue>

    The following URL addresses a queue in the diagram:

Create an Azure storage account

The easiest way to create your first Azure storage account is by using the Azure portal. To learn more, see Create a storage account.

You can also create an Azure storage account by using Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the Azure Storage Resource Provider for .NET.

If you prefer not to create a storage account in Azure at this time, you can also use the Azurite storage emulator to run and test your code in a local environment. For more information, see Use the Azurite emulator for local Azure Storage development.

Create a C++ application

In this guide, you will use storage features which can be run within a C++ application.

To do so, you will need to install the Azure Storage client library for C++ and create an Azure Storage account in your Azure subscription.

To install the Azure Storage client library for C++, you can use the following methods:

.\vcpkg.exe install azure-storage-cpp

You can find a guide for how to build the source code and export to NuGet in the README file.

Configure your application to access Queue Storage

Add the following include statements to the top of the C++ file where you want to use the Azure Storage APIs to access queues:

#include <was/storage_account.h>
#include <was/queue.h>

Set up an Azure Storage connection string

An Azure Storage client uses a storage connection string to store endpoints and credentials for accessing data management services. When running in a client application, you must provide the storage connection string in the following format, using the name of your storage account and the storage access key for the storage account listed in the Azure portal for the AccountName and AccountKey values. For information on storage accounts and access keys, see About Azure Storage accounts. This example shows how you can declare a static field to hold the connection string:

// Define the connection-string with your values.
const utility::string_t storage_connection_string(U("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=your_storage_account;AccountKey=your_storage_account_key"));

To test your application in your local Windows computer, you can use the Azurite storage emulator. Azurite is a utility that simulates Azure Blob Storage and Queue Storage on your local development machine. The following example shows how you can declare a static field to hold the connection string to your local storage emulator:

// Define the connection-string with Azurite.
const utility::string_t storage_connection_string(U("UseDevelopmentStorage=true;"));  

To start Azurite, see Use the Azurite emulator for local Azure Storage development.

The following samples assume that you have used one of these two methods to get the storage connection string.

Retrieve your connection string

You can use the cloud_storage_account class to represent your storage account information. To retrieve your storage account information from the storage connection string, you can use the parse method.

// Retrieve storage account from connection string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

How to: Create a queue

A cloud_queue_client object lets you get reference objects for queues. The following code creates a cloud_queue_client object.

// Retrieve storage account from connection string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create a queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

Use the cloud_queue_client object to get a reference to the queue you want to use. You can create the queue if it doesn't exist.

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Create the queue if it doesn't already exist.

How to: Insert a message into a queue

To insert a message into an existing queue, first create a new cloud_queue_message. Next, call the add_message method. A cloud_queue_message can be created from either a string (in UTF-8 format) or a byte array. Here is code which creates a queue (if it doesn't exist) and inserts the message Hello, World:

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Create the queue if it doesn't already exist.

// Create a message and add it to the queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_message message1(U("Hello, World"));

How to: Peek at the next message

You can peek at the message in the front of a queue without removing it from the queue by calling the peek_message method.

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Peek at the next message.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_message peeked_message = queue.peek_message();

// Output the message content.
std::wcout << U("Peeked message content: ") << peeked_message.content_as_string() << std::endl;

How to: Change the contents of a queued message

You can change the contents of a message in-place in the queue. If the message represents a work task, you could use this feature to update the status of the work task. The following code updates the queue message with new contents, and sets the visibility timeout to extend another 60 seconds. This saves the state of work associated with the message, and gives the client another minute to continue working on the message. You could use this technique to track multistep workflows on queue messages, without having to start over from the beginning if a processing step fails due to hardware or software failure. Typically, you would keep a retry count as well, and if the message is retried more than n times, you would delete it. This protects against a message that triggers an application error each time it is processed.

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Get the message from the queue and update the message contents.
// The visibility timeout "0" means make it visible immediately.
// The visibility timeout "60" means the client can get another minute to continue
// working on the message.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_message changed_message = queue.get_message();

changed_message.set_content(U("Changed message"));
queue.update_message(changed_message, std::chrono::seconds(60), true);

// Output the message content.
std::wcout << U("Changed message content: ") << changed_message.content_as_string() << std::endl;  

How to: Dequeue the next message

Your code dequeues a message from a queue in two steps. When you call get_message, you get the next message in a queue. A message returned from get_message becomes invisible to any other code reading messages from this queue. To finish removing the message from the queue, you must also call delete_message. This two-step process of removing a message assures that if your code fails to process a message due to hardware or software failure, another instance of your code can get the same message and try again. Your code calls delete_message right after the message has been processed.

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Get the next message.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_message dequeued_message = queue.get_message();
std::wcout << U("Dequeued message: ") << dequeued_message.content_as_string() << std::endl;

// Delete the message.

How to: Use additional options for dequeuing messages

There are two ways you can customize message retrieval from a queue. First, you can get a batch of messages (up to 32). Second, you can set a longer or shorter invisibility timeout, allowing your code more or less time to fully process each message. The following code example uses the get_messages method to get 20 messages in one call. Then it processes each message using a for loop. It also sets the invisibility timeout to five minutes for each message. Note that the five minutes starts for all messages at the same time, so after five minutes have passed since the call to get_messages, any messages which have not been deleted will become visible again.

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Dequeue some queue messages (maximum 32 at a time) and set their visibility timeout to
// 5 minutes (300 seconds).
azure::storage::queue_request_options options;
azure::storage::operation_context context;

// Retrieve 20 messages from the queue with a visibility timeout of 300 seconds.
std::vector<azure::storage::cloud_queue_message> messages = queue.get_messages(20, std::chrono::seconds(300), options, context);

for (auto it = messages.cbegin(); it != messages.cend(); ++it)
    // Display the contents of the message.
    std::wcout << U("Get: ") << it->content_as_string() << std::endl;

How to: Get the queue length

You can get an estimate of the number of messages in a queue. The download_attributes method returns queue properties including the message count. The approximate_message_count method gets the approximate number of messages in the queue.

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// Fetch the queue attributes.

// Retrieve the cached approximate message count.
int cachedMessageCount = queue.approximate_message_count();

// Display number of messages.
std::wcout << U("Number of messages in queue: ") << cachedMessageCount << std::endl;  

How to: Delete a queue

To delete a queue and all the messages contained in it, call the delete_queue_if_exists method on the queue object.

// Retrieve storage account from connection-string.
azure::storage::cloud_storage_account storage_account = azure::storage::cloud_storage_account::parse(storage_connection_string);

// Create the queue client.
azure::storage::cloud_queue_client queue_client = storage_account.create_cloud_queue_client();

// Retrieve a reference to a queue.
azure::storage::cloud_queue queue = queue_client.get_queue_reference(U("my-sample-queue"));

// If the queue exists and delete it.

Next steps

Now that you've learned the basics of Queue Storage, follow these links to learn more about Azure Storage.