This security baseline applies guidance from the Microsoft cloud security benchmark version 1.0 to Azure VMware Solution. The Microsoft cloud security benchmark provides recommendations on how you can secure your cloud solutions on Azure. The content is grouped by the security controls defined by the Microsoft cloud security benchmark and the related guidance applicable to Azure VMware Solution.
You can monitor this security baseline and its recommendations using Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Azure Policy definitions will be listed in the Regulatory Compliance section of the Microsoft Defender for Cloud portal page.
When a feature has relevant Azure Policy Definitions, they are listed in this baseline to help you measure compliance with the Microsoft cloud security benchmark controls and recommendations. Some recommendations may require a paid Microsoft Defender plan to enable certain security scenarios.
Description: Service supports deployment into customer's private Virtual Network (VNet). Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: Deploy the service into a virtual network. Assign private IPs to the resource (where applicable) unless there is a strong reason to assign public IPs directly to the resource.
Note: An Azure VMware Solution private cloud requires an Azure Virtual Network. Because Azure VMware Solution doesn't support your on-premises vCenter Server, you'll need to do additional steps to integrate with your on-premises environment. Setting up an ExpressRoute circuit and a virtual network gateway is also required.
Description: Service network traffic respects Network Security Groups rule assignment on its subnets. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: Although NSG is supported, consider ingress and egress your network connectivity to ExpressRoute or other secured networks. Avoid exposing your management services like vCenter Server, for example, on the internet.
NS-2: Secure cloud services with network controls
Azure Private Link
Description: Service native IP filtering capability for filtering network traffic (not to be confused with NSG or Azure Firewall). Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
Disable Public Network Access
Description: Service supports disabling public network access either through using service-level IP ACL filtering rule (not NSG or Azure Firewall) or using a 'Disable Public Network Access' toggle switch. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: No additional configurations are required as this is enabled on a default deployment.
IM-1: Use centralized identity and authentication system
Azure AD Authentication Required for Data Plane Access
Description: Service supports using Azure AD authentication for data plane access. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
Local Authentication Methods for Data Plane Access
Description: Local authentications methods supported for data plane access, such as a local username and password. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Feature notes: Avoid the usage of local authentication methods or accounts, these should be disabled wherever possible. Instead use Azure AD to authenticate where possible.
Configuration Guidance: For configuration of the identity access management of the Azure VMware Solution, refer to the link below.
PA-1: Separate and limit highly privileged/administrative users
Local Admin Accounts
Description: Service has the concept of a local administrative account. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Feature notes: Avoid the usage of local authentication methods or accounts, these should be disabled wherever possible. Instead use Azure AD to authenticate where possible.
Configuration Guidance: View the privileges granted to the Azure VMware Solution CloudAdmin role on your Azure VMware Solution private cloud vCenter. Refer to the link for details
PA-7: Follow just enough administration (least privilege) principle
Azure RBAC for Data Plane
Description: Azure Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) can be used to managed access to service's data plane actions. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Feature notes: Azure RBAC is not supported. Azure VMware solution makes use of vCenter RBAC roles which provides customers with the ability to integrate with Azure AD.
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
PA-8: Determine access process for cloud provider support
Customer Lockbox
Description: Customer Lockbox can be used for Microsoft support access. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
Description: Service supports data in-transit encryption for data plane. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: No additional configurations are required as this is enabled on a default deployment.
DP-4: Enable data at rest encryption by default
Data at Rest Encryption Using Platform Keys
Description: Data at-rest encryption using platform keys is supported, any customer content at rest is encrypted with these Microsoft managed keys. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: No additional configurations are required as this is enabled on a default deployment.
Description: Service configurations can be monitored and enforced via Azure Policy. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Feature notes: Azure VMWare Solution currently does support Azure Policy to manage the workload VM resources. If you choose to deploy Azure Arc Server for VMWare Solution, it will come with Azure Policy support.
Configuration Guidance: This feature is not supported to secure this service.
Description: Service has an offering-specific Microsoft Defender solution to monitor and alert on security issues. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: Use Azure Arc-enabled server for your VM on your VMware which allows Microsoft Defender for Cloud to provide the following features:
Description: Service produces resource logs that can provide enhanced service-specific metrics and logging. The customer can configure these resource logs and send them to their own data sink like a storage account or log analytics workspace. Learn more.
Description: The service can be backed up by the Azure Backup service. Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: Use Azure Backup Server (as part of Azure Backup) to perform the VM-level backup.
Azure Backup Server can store backup data to:
Disk: For short-term storage, Azure Backup Server backs up data to disk pools.
Azure cloud: For both short-term and long-term storage off-premises, Azure Backup Server data stored in disk pools can be backed up to the Microsoft Azure cloud by using Azure Backup.
Description: Service supports its own native backup capability (if not using Azure Backup). Learn more.
Enabled By Default
Configuration Responsibility
Configuration Guidance: There is no current Microsoft guidance for this feature configuration. Please review and determine if your organization wants to configure this security feature.