Use assessment tools to conduct successful family-teacher conferences

As educators prepare to meet parents, guardians, and families for conferences, the focus should be on creating student-centered sessions. Sharing student progress using portfolios and other Microsoft tools that show student growth is essential to creating future goals for each student.

  • Teams is a learning platform where students prepare documents that showcase their learning using OneNote Notebook, PowerPoint, and Sway.
  • Insights helps educators, parents, guardians, and families visually understand student progress, providing a wealth of information on which they reflect together and use as a basis for how to move students forward into the next school year.
  • Teams, Calendar, Outlook, and Bookings assist educators with scheduling conferences with ease.
  • The translator app provides multi-language support for school conversations by creating a space for teachers and parents of various languages to communicate efficiently.

This learning path helps educators better understand their classes as a whole as well as individual student progress. With detailed information, educators better plan and conduct successful conference sessions that create a stronger home-school connection.

Learning objectives

  • Explain how Microsoft digital tools are used to collaborate intentionally with students and families.
  • Describe ways to understand where their classrooms and students are in their learning progress.
  • Identify strategies to plan and conduct parent conferences centered on student growth and the enhancement of future success opportunities.




Modules in this learning path

Educators learn the features of Microsoft Education Insights and how to leverage the tools to identify trends and inform decision making to best support students.


Get started with OneNote

Make learning more powerful and dynamic with Microsoft OneNote digital notebooks. Use OneNote to compile and organize information, research, and content; support research, collaboration, note taking, journaling, and reflection.

Communicating student progress to parents creates a stronger home-school connection. Educators learn to use Microsoft tools to plan and carry out successful parent conferences in face to face and virtual settings. Learn techniques and tools for before, during, and after meeting with parents.

Microsoft Bookings helps educators save time and increase automation in their day-to-day tasks. Automate scheduling meetings and events—in person, online, one-to-one, and one-to-many. Bookings automates the back-and-forth communication needed for scheduling so time is given back to educators, staff, learners, and parents.