Teilen über

Socket.SendBufferSize Eigenschaft


Ruft einen Wert ab, der die Größe des Sendepuffers für den Socket angibt, oder legt diesen fest.

 property int SendBufferSize { int get(); void set(int value); };
public int SendBufferSize { get; set; }
member this.SendBufferSize : int with get, set
Public Property SendBufferSize As Integer


Ein Int32, das die Größe des Sendepuffer in Bytes enthält. Der Standardwert hängt vom Betriebssystem ab.


Fehler beim Versuch, auf den Socket zuzugreifen.

Der Socket wurde geschlossen.

Der für einen set-Vorgang angegebene Wert ist kleiner als 0.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die Verwendung des SendBufferSize-Attributs veranschaulicht.

static void ConfigureTcpSocket(Socket^ tcpSocket)
    // Don't allow another socket to bind to this port.
    tcpSocket->ExclusiveAddressUse = true;
    // The socket will linger for 10 seconds after
    // Socket.Close is called.
    tcpSocket->LingerState = gcnew LingerOption(true, 10);
    // Disable the Nagle Algorithm for this tcp socket.
    tcpSocket->NoDelay = true;
    // Set the receive buffer size to 8k
    tcpSocket->ReceiveBufferSize = 8192;
    // Set the timeout for synchronous receive methods to
    // 1 second (1000 milliseconds.)
    tcpSocket->ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
    // Set the send buffer size to 8k.
    tcpSocket->SendBufferSize = 8192;
    // Set the timeout for synchronous send methods
    // to 1 second (1000 milliseconds.)
    tcpSocket->SendTimeout = 1000;
    // Set the Time To Live (TTL) to 42 router hops.
    tcpSocket->Ttl = 42;
    Console::WriteLine("Tcp Socket configured:");
    Console::WriteLine("  ExclusiveAddressUse {0}", 
    Console::WriteLine("  LingerState {0}, {1}", 
    Console::WriteLine("  NoDelay {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("  ReceiveBufferSize {0}", 
    Console::WriteLine("  ReceiveTimeout {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("  SendBufferSize {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("  SendTimeout {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("  Ttl {0}",
    Console::WriteLine("  IsBound {0}",
static void ConfigureTcpSocket(Socket tcpSocket)
    // Don't allow another socket to bind to this port.
    tcpSocket.ExclusiveAddressUse = true;

    // The socket will linger for 10 seconds after
    // Socket.Close is called.
    tcpSocket.LingerState = new LingerOption (true, 10);

    // Disable the Nagle Algorithm for this tcp socket.
    tcpSocket.NoDelay = true;

    // Set the receive buffer size to 8k
    tcpSocket.ReceiveBufferSize = 8192;

    // Set the timeout for synchronous receive methods to
    // 1 second (1000 milliseconds.)
    tcpSocket.ReceiveTimeout = 1000;

    // Set the send buffer size to 8k.
    tcpSocket.SendBufferSize = 8192;

    // Set the timeout for synchronous send methods
    // to 1 second (1000 milliseconds.)
    tcpSocket.SendTimeout = 1000;

    // Set the Time To Live (TTL) to 42 router hops.
    tcpSocket.Ttl = 42;

    Console.WriteLine("Tcp Socket configured:");

    Console.WriteLine($"  ExclusiveAddressUse {tcpSocket.ExclusiveAddressUse}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  LingerState {tcpSocket.LingerState.Enabled}, {tcpSocket.LingerState.LingerTime}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  NoDelay {tcpSocket.NoDelay}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  ReceiveBufferSize {tcpSocket.ReceiveBufferSize}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  ReceiveTimeout {tcpSocket.ReceiveTimeout}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  SendBufferSize {tcpSocket.SendBufferSize}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  SendTimeout {tcpSocket.SendTimeout}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  Ttl {tcpSocket.Ttl}");

    Console.WriteLine($"  IsBound {tcpSocket.IsBound}");



Eine größere Puffergröße kann die Erkennung von Verbindungsschwierigkeiten verzögern. Erwägen Sie, die Puffergröße zu erhöhen, wenn Sie große Dateien übertragen oder eine Verbindung mit hoher Bandbreite und hoher Latenz verwenden (z. B. einen Satelliten-Breitbandanbieter).

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