Teilen über

DataGrid.BackButtonClick Ereignis


Tritt ein, wenn in einer untergeordneten Tabelle auf die Schaltfläche Back geklickt wird.

 event EventHandler ^ BackButtonClick;
public event EventHandler BackButtonClick;
member this.BackButtonClick : EventHandler 
Public Custom Event BackButtonClick As EventHandler 



Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird ein Ereignishandler für das BackButtonClick Ereignis hinzugefügt.

   // Create an instance of the 'BackButtonClick' EventHandler.
   void CallBackButtonClick()
      myDataGrid->BackButtonClick += gcnew EventHandler( this, &MyDataGrid::Grid_BackClick );

   // Raise the event when 'BackButton' on child table is clicked.
   void Grid_BackClick( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // String variable used to show message.
      String^ myString = "BackButtonClick event raised, showing parent table";

      // Show information about Back button.
      MessageBox::Show( myString, "Back button information" );
// Create an instance of the 'BackButtonClick' EventHandler.
private void CallBackButtonClick()
   myDataGrid.BackButtonClick += new EventHandler(Grid_BackClick);

// Raise the event when 'BackButton' on child table is clicked.
private void Grid_BackClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
   // String variable used to show message.
   string myString = "BackButtonClick event raised, showing parent table";
   // Show information about Back button.
   MessageBox.Show(myString, "Back button information");
' Create an instance of the 'BackButtonClick' EventHandler.
Private Sub CallBackButtonClick()
   AddHandler myDataGrid.BackButtonClick, AddressOf Grid_BackClick
End Sub

' Raise the event when 'BackButton' on child table is clicked.
 Private Sub Grid_BackClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
     ' String variable used to show message.
     Dim myString As String = "BackButtonClick event raised, showing parent table"
     ' Show information about Back button.
     MessageBox.Show(myString, "Back button information")
 End Sub


Die Back Schaltfläche wird sichtbar, wenn eine untergeordnete Tabelle angezeigt wird. Wenn Sie auf die Schaltfläche klicken, wird im Raster die übergeordnete Tabelle angezeigt.

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