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Help.ShowPopup(Control, String, Point) Methode


Zeigt ein Popupfenster für die Hilfe an.

 static void ShowPopup(System::Windows::Forms::Control ^ parent, System::String ^ caption, System::Drawing::Point location);
public static void ShowPopup (System.Windows.Forms.Control parent, string caption, System.Drawing.Point location);
public static void ShowPopup (System.Windows.Forms.Control? parent, string caption, System.Drawing.Point location);
static member ShowPopup : System.Windows.Forms.Control * string * System.Drawing.Point -> unit
Public Shared Sub ShowPopup (parent As Control, caption As String, location As Point)



Ein Control, das das übergeordnete Element des Hilfedialogfelds bezeichnet.


Die im Popupfenster anzuzeigende Nachricht.


Ein Wert, der die horizontalen und vertikalen Koordinaten zum Anzeigen des Popupfensters relativ zur linken oberen Ecke des Bildschirms angibt.


Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird das KeyUp Ereignis mit der Help -Klasse verwendet, um dem Benutzer Hilfe im Popupformat anzuzeigen.

   // This example demonstrates how to use the KeyUp event with the Help class to display
   // pop-up style help to the user of the application. When the user presses F1, the Help
   // class displays a pop-up window, similar to a ToolTip, near the control. This example assumes
   // that a TextBox control, named textBox1, has been added to the form and its KeyUp
   // event has been connected to this event handler method.
   void textBox1_KeyUp( Object^ /*sender*/, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^ e )
      // Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. Display help if it is.
      if ( e->KeyCode == Keys::F1 )
         // Display a pop-up help topic to assist the user.
         Help::ShowPopup( textBox1, "Enter your first name", Point(textBox1->Right,this->textBox1->Bottom) );
// This example demonstrates how to use the KeyUp event with the Help class to display
// pop-up style help to the user of the application. When the user presses F1, the Help
// class displays a pop-up window, similar to a ToolTip, near the control. This example assumes
// that a TextBox control, named textBox1, has been added to the form and its KeyUp
// event has been contected to this event handler method.
private void textBox1_KeyUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e)
    // Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. Display help if it is.
    if(e.KeyCode == Keys.F1)
        // Display a pop-up help topic to assist the user.
        Help.ShowPopup(textBox1, "Enter your first name", new Point(textBox1.Right, this.textBox1.Bottom));
' This example demonstrates how to use the KeyUp event with the Help class to display
' pop-up style help to the user of the application. When the user presses F1, the Help
' class displays a pop-up window, similar to a ToolTip, near the control. This example assumes
' that a TextBox control, named textBox1, has been added to the form and its KeyUp
' event has been contected to this event handler method.
Private Sub textBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles textBox1.KeyUp
    ' Determine whether the key entered is the F1 key. Display help if it is.
    If e.KeyCode = Keys.F1 Then
        ' Display a pop-up help topic to assist the user.
        Help.ShowPopup(textBox1, "Enter your first name", New Point(textBox1.Right, Me.textBox1.Bottom))
    End If
End Sub

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