Azure.AI.Language.Text Namespace
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Abstractive |
Supported parameters for the pre-built Abstractive Summarization task. |
Abstractive |
An object representing the task definition for an Abstractive Summarization task. |
Abstractive |
An object representing the results for an Abstractive Summarization task. |
Abstractive |
An object representing the pre-built Abstractive Summarization results of each document. |
Abstractive |
An object representing a single summary with context for given document. |
Abstractive |
An object representing the Abstractive Summarization result of a single document with detected language. |
Age |
Represents the Age entity Metadata model. |
Allow |
Represents the allow overlap policy. Will apply no post processing logic for the entities. Whatever the model predicts is what will be returned to the user. This allows the user to get a full view of every single model's possible values and apply their own custom logic on entity selection. |
Analyze |
Contains the entity task. |
Analyze |
Contains the analyze text Entity linking task result. |
Analyze |
The error response object returned when the service encounters some errors during processing the request. |
Analyze |
Collection of documents to analyze and a single task to execute. Please note AnalyzeTextInput is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include TextEntityLinkingInput, TextEntityRecognitionInput, TextKeyPhraseExtractionInput, TextLanguageDetectionInput, TextPiiEntitiesRecognitionInput and TextSentimentAnalysisInput. |
Analyze |
Contains the analyze text KeyPhraseExtraction task result. |
Analyze |
Contains the language detection task result for the request. |
Analyze |
The long running task to be performed by the service on the input documents. Please note AnalyzeTextOperationAction is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include AbstractiveSummarizationOperationAction, CustomEntitiesOperationAction, CustomMultiLabelClassificationOperationAction, CustomSingleLabelClassificationOperationAction, EntityLinkingOperationAction, EntitiesOperationAction, ExtractiveSummarizationOperationAction, HealthcareOperationAction, KeyPhraseOperationAction, PiiOperationAction and SentimentAnalysisOperationAction. |
Analyze |
Contains the AnalyzeText long running operation result object. Please note AnalyzeTextOperationResult is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include AbstractiveSummarizationOperationResult, CustomEntityRecognitionOperationResult, CustomMultiLabelClassificationOperationResult, CustomSingleLabelClassificationOperationResult, EntityLinkingOperationResult, EntityRecognitionOperationResult, ExtractiveSummarizationOperationResult, HealthcareOperationResult, KeyPhraseExtractionOperationResult, PiiEntityRecognitionOperationResult and SentimentOperationResult. |
Analyze |
The object containing the analyze job LRO job state. |
Analyze |
Contains the analyze text PIIEntityRecognition LRO task. |
Analyze |
The result object for the analyze task. Please note AnalyzeTextResult is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include AnalyzeTextEntityLinkingResult, AnalyzeTextEntitiesResult, AnalyzeTextKeyPhraseResult, AnalyzeTextLanguageDetectionResult, AnalyzeTextPiiResult and AnalyzeTextSentimentResult. |
Analyze |
Contains the analyze text SentimentAnalysis LRO task result. |
Area |
Represents the Area entity Metadata model. |
Base |
The abstract base class for entity Metadata. Please note BaseMetadata is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include AgeMetadata, AreaMetadata, CurrencyMetadata, DateMetadata, DateTimeMetadata, InformationMetadata, LengthMetadata, NumberMetadata, NumericRangeMetadata, OrdinalMetadata, SpeedMetadata, TemperatureMetadata, TemporalSetMetadata, TemporalSpanMetadata, TimeMetadata, VolumeMetadata and WeightMetadata. |
Base |
The abstract base class for RedactionPolicy. Please note BaseRedactionPolicy is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include CharacterMaskPolicyType, EntityMaskPolicyType and NoMaskPolicyType. |
Character |
Represents the policy of redacting with a redaction character. |
Classification |
Contains the classification doc result for the task with detected language. |
Classification |
Contains the classification result. |
Currency |
Represents the Currency ) entity Metadata model. |
Custom |
Supported parameters for a Custom Entities task. |
Custom |
Contains the custom text LRO task. |
Custom |
Contains the list of detected custom entities result for the documents. |
Custom |
Contains the entity recognition task result for the document with detected language. |
Custom |
Contains the custom entity recognition job result. |
Custom |
Contains the custom label classification results. |
Custom |
Supported parameters for a Custom Multi Classification task. |
Custom |
Use custom models to classify text into multi label taxonomy. |
Custom |
Contains the custom multi label classification job result. |
Custom |
Supported parameters for a Custom Single Classification task. |
Custom |
Use custom models to classify text into single label taxonomy. |
Custom |
Contains the custom single label classification job result. |
Date |
A Metadata for date entity instances. |
Date |
A Metadata for datetime entity instances. |
Date |
Represents the date value. |
Detected |
Contains the details of the detected language for the text. |
Document |
Contains details of errors encountered during a job execution. |
Document |
if showStats=true was specified in the request this field will contain information about the document payload. |
Document |
Contains the warnings object with warnings encountered for the processed document. |
Entities |
Supported parameters for an Entity Recognition task. |
Entities |
An object representing the task definition for an Entities Recognition task. |
Entities |
Contains the entity recognition task result. |
Entities |
Contains the entity recognition task result. |
Entity |
Contains the entity recognition task result for the document with metadata and detected language. |
Entity |
Entity documents result with metadata. |
Entity |
The class that houses the inference options allowed for named entity recognition. |
Entity |
Supported parameters for an Entity Linking task. |
Entity |
Entity linking document result with auto language detection. |
Entity |
The Match object containing the detected entity text with the offset and the length. |
Entity |
Contains the analyze text Entity linking LRO task. |
Entity |
Contains the analyze text Entity linking task LRO result. |
Entity |
Entity linking result. |
Entity |
Represents the policy of redacting PII with the entity type. |
Entity |
The abstract base class for entity OverlapPolicy. Please note EntityOverlapPolicy is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. The available derived classes include AllowOverlapEntityPolicyType and MatchLongestEntityPolicyType. |
Entity |
Contains the entity recognition job task result. |
Entity |
Entity tag object which contains the name of the tags abd any associated confidence score. Entity Tags are used to express some similarities/affinity between entities. |
Extracted |
A ranked list of sentences representing the extracted summary. |
Extracted |
Represents an extracted sentences from the input document. |
Extractive |
Supported parameters for an Extractive Summarization task. |
Extractive |
An object representing the task definition for an Extractive Summarization task. |
Extractive |
An object representing the results for an Extractive Summarization task. |
Extractive |
An object representing the pre-built Extractive Summarization results of each document. |
Fhir |
JSON bundle containing a FHIR compatible object for consumption in other Healthcare tools. For additional information see |
Healthcare |
Supported parameters for a Healthcare task. |
Healthcare |
Result object for the processed Healthcare document with detected language. |
Healthcare |
Assertion of the entity. |
Healthcare |
Healthcare entity extracted from the document. |
Healthcare |
Reference to an entity in known data sources. |
Healthcare |
The long running task to be performed by the service on the Healthcare input documents. |
Healthcare |
Healthcare Analyze Text long tunning operation result object. |
Healthcare |
Every relation is an entity graph of a certain relationType, where all entities are connected and have specific roles within the relation context. |
Healthcare |
Entity in the relation. |
Healthcare |
Result object for the processed Healthcare task. |
Information |
Represents the Information (data) entity Metadata model. |
Inner |
An object containing more specific information about the error. As per Microsoft One API guidelines - |
Key |
Supported parameters for a Key Phrase Extraction task. |
Key |
Contains the analyze text KeyPhraseExtraction LRO task. |
Key |
An object representing the task definition for a Key Phrase Extraction task. |
Key |
Contains the KeyPhraseResult. |
Key |
A ranked list of sentences representing the extracted summary. |
Language |
Supported parameters for a Language Detection task. |
Language |
Contains the language detection for a document. |
Language |
Contains the language detection result for the request. |
Language |
Contains the language detection document analysis input. |
Language |
Contains the language detection input. |
Length |
Represents the Length entity Metadata model. |
Linked |
The LinkedEntity object containing the detected entity with the associated sources/links. |
Match |
Represents the Match longest overlap policy. No overlapping entities as far as it is possible. 1. If there are overlapping entities, the longest one will be returned. 2. If the set of characters predicted for 2 or more entities are exactly the same, select the entity that has the higher confidence score.3. If the entity scores are identical, return all entities that are still present after applying the previous rules. 3. If there is partial overlap (as in Hello Text Analytics) follow the above steps starting from 1. |
Multi |
Contains an input document to be analyzed by the service. |
Multi |
Collection of input documents to be analyzed by the service. |
Named |
Defines the detected entity object containing the entity category and entity text detected, etc. |
Named |
Entity object with tags and metadata. |
No |
Represents the policy of not redacting found PII. |
Number |
A metadata for numeric entity instances. |
Numeric |
represents the Metadata of numeric intervals. |
Ordinal |
A metadata for numeric entity instances. |
Pii |
Supported parameters for a PII Entities Recognition task. |
Pii |
Contains the PII results with detected language. |
Pii |
Entity object with tags. |
Pii |
Contains the PII LRO results. |
Pii |
Contains the analyze text PIIEntityRecognition LRO task. |
Pii |
Contains the PiiResult. |
Request |
if showStats=true was specified in the request this field will contain information about the request payload. |
Sentence |
Represents a sentence assessment and the assessments or target objects related to it. |
Sentence |
A document's sentence sentiment. |
Sentence |
Represents a sentence target and the assessments or target objects related to it. |
Sentiment |
Sentiment analysis per document. |
Sentiment |
Supported parameters for a Sentiment Analysis task. |
Sentiment |
An object representing the task definition for a Sentiment Analysis task. |
Sentiment |
Represents the confidence scores between 0 and 1 across all sentiment classes: positive, neutral, negative. |
Sentiment |
Contains the Sentiment Analysis LRO results. |
Sentiment |
Sentiment analysis results for the input documents. |
Speed |
Represents the Speed entity Metadata model. |
Summary |
The context of the summary. |
Target |
Represents the confidence scores across all sentiment classes: positive and negative. |
Target |
Represents the relation between assessments and/or targets. |
Temperature |
Represents the Information entity Metadata model. |
Temporal |
A Metadata for temporal set entity instances. |
Temporal |
represents the Metadata of a date and/or time span. |
Temporal |
Temporal span object. |
Text |
Container for the tasks status for the LRO job. |
Text |
The language service API is a suite of natural language processing (NLP) skills built with best-in-class Microsoft machine learning algorithms. The API can be used to analyze unstructured text for tasks such as sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, language detection and question answering. Further documentation can be found in <a href=""></a>.0. |
Text |
Extension methods to add TextAnalysisClient to client builder. |
Text |
Client options for TextAnalysisClient. |
Text |
Model factory for models. |
Text |
Contains the analyze text Entity linking input. |
Text |
The entity recognition analyze text input task request. |
Text |
Contains the analyze text KeyPhraseExtraction task input. |
Text |
Contains the language detection document analysis task input. |
Text |
Contains the analyze text PIIEntityRecognition task input. |
Text |
Contains the analyze text SentimentAnalysis task input. |
Time |
A Metadata for time entity instances. |
Volume |
Represents the Volume entity Metadata model. |
Weight |
Represents the Weight ) entity Metadata model. |
Age |
The Age Unit of measurement. |
Analyze |
Human-readable error code. |
Area |
The area unit of measurement. |
Entity |
Contains all the entity categories detected by entity recognition. |
Extractive |
The sorting criteria to use for the results of Extractive Summarization. |
Fhir |
The FHIR Spec version. |
Healthcare |
Document type. |
Healthcare |
Healthcare Entity Category. |
Information |
The information (data) Unit of measurement. |
Inner |
Human-readable error code. |
Length |
The length unit of measurement. |
Number |
The type of the extracted number entity. |
Pii |
(Optional) describes the PII categories to return. |
Pii |
(Optional) describes the PII categories to return. |
Pii |
PII domains. |
Range |
The range inclusiveness of this property property. |
Range |
The kind of the number range entity. |
Redaction |
Optional parameter to use a Custom Character to be used for redaction in PII responses. Default character will be * as before. We allow specific ascii characters for redaction. |
Relation |
Type of relation. Examples include: |
Relative |
The reference point that the ordinal number denotes. |
Script |
Identifies the script of the input document. Maps to the ISO 15924 standard script code. |
Script |
Identifies the script of the input document. Maps to the ISO 15924 standard formal name. |
Speed |
The speed Unit of measurement. |
String |
Specifies the method used to interpret string offsets. Defaults to Text Elements (Graphemes) according to Unicode v8.0.0. For additional information see |
Summary |
Enum that defines the length of the output summaries. |
Temperature |
The temperature Unit of measurement. |
Temporal |
An optional modifier of a date/time instance. |
Text |
The status of the task at the mentioned last update time. |
Volume |
The Volume Unit of measurement. |
Warning |
Defines the list of the warning codes. |
Weight |
The weight Unit of measurement. |
Document |
Predicted sentiment for document (Negative, Neutral, Positive, or Mixed). |
Healthcare |
Describes if the entity is the subject of the text or if it describes someone else. |
Healthcare |
Describes the entities certainty and polarity. |
Healthcare |
Describes any conditionality on the entity. |
Healthcare |
Describes temporal information regarding the entity. |
Sentence |
The predicted Sentiment for the sentence. |
Target |
The type related to the target. |
Text |
The version of the service to use. |
Token |
The predicted Sentiment for the sentence. |
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