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DisconnectReason Enum


Describes the reason for why the connection disconnected.

public enum DisconnectReason


Name Value Description
None 0

The connection succeeded and there was no connection failure.

Unknown 1

The connection failed for an unknown reason.

NoServerCertificate 2

The secure connection was enabled, but certificate was missing, invalid, or not usable (Server).

HandshakePortBusy 3

The handshake port could not be opened for accepting connections (Server).

HandshakeUnreachable 4

The handshake server is unreachable (Client).

HandshakeConnectionFailed 5

The handshake server closed the connection prematurely; likely due to TLS/Plain mismatch or invalid certificate (Client).

AuthenticationFailed 6

The authentication with the handshake server failed (Client).

RemotingVersionMismatch 7

No common compatible remoting version could be determined during handshake (Client).

IncompatibleTransportProtocols 8

No common transport protocol could be determined during handshake (Client).

HandshakeFailed 9

The handshake failed for any other reason (Client).

TransportPortBusy 10

The transport port could not be opened for accepting connections (Server).

TransportUnreachable 11

The transport server is unreachable (Client).

TransportConnectionFailed 12

The transport connection was closed before all communication channels had been set up (Client/Server).

ProtocolVersionMismatch 13

The transport connection was closed due to protocol version mismatch (Client/Server).

ProtocolError 14

A protocol error occurred that was severe enough to invalidate the current connection or connection attempt (Client/Server).

VideoCodecNotAvailable 15

The transport connection was closed due to the requested video codec not being available (Client/Server).

Canceled 16

The connection attempt has been canceled (Client/Server).

ConnectionLost 17

The connection has been closed by peer (Client/Server).

DeviceLost 18

The connection has been closed due to graphics device loss (Client/Server).

DisconnectRequest 19

The connection has been closed by request (Client/Server).

HandshakeNetworkUnreachable 20

The network is unreachable. This usually means the client knows no route to reach the remote host (Client).

HandshakeConnectionRefused 21

No connection could be made because the remote side actively refused it. Usually this means that no host application is running (Client).

VideoFormatNotAvailable 22

The transport connection was closed due to the requested video format not being available (Client/Server).

PeerDisconnectRequest 23

Disconnected after receiving a disconnect request from the peer (Client/Server).

PeerDisconnectTimeout 24

Timed out while waiting for peer to close connection (Client/Server).

SessionOpenTimeout 25

Timed out while waiting for transport session to be opened (Client/Server).

RemotingHandshakeTimeout 26

Timed out while waiting for the remoting handshake to complete (Client/Server).

InternalError 27

The connection failed due to an internal error (Client/Server).

HandshakePermissionDenied 28

The handshake could not be opened due to insufficient permissions (Client).

Applies to

Produkt Versionen
Mixed Reality OpenXR Plugin 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11