GitHub Actions Fails to Recognize Successful Azure Container Instances Deployment
I'm running into an issue, when I deploy a docker container to Azure Container Instances. The deployment is successful and the container is running on the Azure container Instances and works great. This isn't reflected in GitHub-Actions though, there this step in my workflow file is still running. This step runs for 30 mins and then fails, because of its length. This is the Error:
Error: Long running operation failed with error: "pulling image "***/***_celery@sha256:67a5f6b08d8d2ca11f9990a88b6d195c50623d11fd5fd90e2cc866f185f4bc";Successfully pulled image "***/***_celery@sha256:67a5f6b08d8d2ca11f9990a88b6d195c50623d141d5fd90e2cc866f185f4bc";Started container;Killing container with id a6e32d3618b10e8cd39e65222c528626d9f817b25675a361cf664e0f2b0cf9.;pulling image "***/***_celery@sha256:d98f340067dba7a356dcb4265f369f7168b32b00e377862499ecaabdafe0f2";Successfully pulled image "***/***_celery@sha256:d98f340067dba7a356dcb4265f369f7168b320e54377862499ecaabdafe0f2";Started container;pulling image "***/***_celery@sha256:3d40fbf58a48a147543b35e701c25f2d4f284100f1203e26fd70540a7fe85e";Successfully pulled image "***/***_celery@sha256:3d40fbf58a48a147543b35e701c25f2d4f284100f1df3e26fd70540a7fe85e";Started container;Subscription deployment didn't reach a successful provisioning state after '00:30:00'.".
As I said, everything works fine on Azure, only the Action is marked as failed, if I have 2 deployments shortly after oneanother, I get the Error, that the Instance is still transitioning.
I start my container like this: exec supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf
This is the part of my workflow: `
- name: 'Login via Azure CLI' uses: azure/login@v1 with: creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
If you have any questions or need more information, let me know. Any insights or suggestions to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :) I tried using exit 1 at the end of the entrypoint script. This makes it successful in the Github actions, even though the code is 1, very weird.