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IsoDep.GetHistoricalBytes Method


Return the ISO-DEP historical bytes for NfcA tags.

[Android.Runtime.Register("getHistoricalBytes", "()[B", "")]
public byte[]? GetHistoricalBytes ();
[<Android.Runtime.Register("getHistoricalBytes", "()[B", "")>]
member this.GetHistoricalBytes : unit -> byte[]



ISO-DEP historical bytes, or null if this is not a NfcA tag



Return the ISO-DEP historical bytes for NfcA tags.

Does not cause any RF activity and does not block.

The historical bytes can be used to help identify a tag. They are present only on IsoDep tags that are based on NfcA RF technology. If this tag is not NfcA then null is returned.

In ISO 14443-4 terminology, the historical bytes are a subset of the RATS response.

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