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GlobalBrokeredServiceContainer.GetFullAccessServiceBroker Method


Gets an IServiceBroker with full access to all services available to this process with local credentials applied by default for all service requests. This should not be used within a brokered service, which should instead use the IServiceBroker that is given to its service factory.

 virtual Microsoft::ServiceHub::Framework::IServiceBroker ^ GetFullAccessServiceBroker();
public Microsoft.ServiceHub.Framework.IServiceBroker GetFullAccessServiceBroker ();
abstract member GetFullAccessServiceBroker : unit -> Microsoft.ServiceHub.Framework.IServiceBroker
override this.GetFullAccessServiceBroker : unit -> Microsoft.ServiceHub.Framework.IServiceBroker
Public Function GetFullAccessServiceBroker () As IServiceBroker


An IServiceBroker instance created for the caller.


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