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Global address book and location owners

Each address in the global address book has a location owner. The location owner determines whether the address can be edited on the party record. If the party is the location owner of the address, the party can be used to edit the address from either the global address book or the associated master record page (such as the customer, vendor, or worker). If the party isn't the location owner of the address, the record can't be edited.

Specify a location owner

The Specify location owner feature lets system administrators specify the owner of a location (address). Typically, a party owns the locations that are associated with it. If a location doesn't have an owner, or if the owner is incorrectly set, the address can't be edited.

Previously, there was no way to specify a location owner. However, the Specify location owner feature enables a location owner to be specified through the Advanced option on the party address and on a new list page. After the location owner is set, the address can be edited. By default, this feature is available only to system administrators.

Assigning location ownership

The location owner is determined when an address is created. When the address is created, the party that the address is created for is assigned as the location owner.

If locations are created through data entities, the location owner property (IsLocationOwner) should be set to Yes for the party that is the intended owner of the location. Otherwise, the address won't be editable in the application.

Updating location owners

If the location owner isn't correct, the associated party can't be used to edit the address. In this case, you can update the location owner by either changing or confirming the location owner.


In Feature management, select Check for updates to update the Enabled by default status for the Specify location owner feature.

Change the location owner

You can update the location owner for a single address record in the global address book.

  1. Go to Global address book.
  2. Open a party record from the address book list.
  3. On the Addresses FastTab, select the address to change the location owner for.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. On the Edit address page, select the Change location owner action.

Alternatively, you can update the location owner on the Manage addresses page.

  1. Go to Global address book.
  2. Open a party record from the address book list.
  3. On the Addresses FastTab, select the address to change the location owner for.
  4. Select More options > Advanced.
  5. On the Manage addresses page, select Change location owner.

In both cases, location ownership of the address is assigned to the current party.


The Change location owner option is available only if the current party isn't already the owner of the selected location.

Confirm the location owner

On the Confirm location owners page, you can confirm location owners for one or more locations. This page contains a list of locations that are associated with a single party where the associated party isn't the location owner.

  1. Go to Global address book > Locations > Confirm location owners.
  2. Select the location to confirm the owner for.
  3. On the Action Pane, select Confirm owner.

The location owner for the selected location is set to the party that is shown in the Proposed owning party name field.