
Generates a chat text string to be sent to all users in the local chat_manager instance that are configured to receive communication from this user.


void send_chat_text(  
    PCWSTR message  


message   _In_

The message string to transmit. This string must contain at least one and no more than c_maxChatTextMessageLength characters, not including the null terminator.


c_maxChatTextMessageLength is a constexpr uint16_t with a value of 1023.

Return value

Type: void



This method generates a chat text string to be sent to all users in the local chat_manager instance that are configured to receive communication from this user. For more information about adding local and remote users to the local chat_manager instance for your app, see the Adding users to Game Chat 2 section in Using the Game Chat 2 C++ API.

When this method is called, an outgoing data packet is generated that contains the text string for target users that are allowed to receive communications from this user, based on privilege, privacy, and relationship configurations.

There is no guaranteed translation, localization, or offensive language filtering of the text content; the outgoing data packet is generated with the text specified in message.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2