The following list contains links to the help topics for the App-V Server cmdlets.
Add-AppvServerConnectionGroupPackage |
(Cmdlet applicable starting in App-V 5.0 SP3) Appends a package to a connection group package list. |
Get-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Returns connection groups. |
Get-AppvServerPackage |
Returns App-V Server packages. |
Get-AppvServerPackageDeploymentConfiguration |
Returns a set of App-V server dynamic deployment configurations for the packages specified. |
Get-AppvServerPackageUserConfiguration |
Returns App-V Server Dynamic user configurations applied to a user group for a set of packages. |
Grant-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Entitles a connection group. |
Grant-AppvServerPackage |
Grants an entitlement to a package. |
Import-AppvServerPackage |
Adds a package to the App-V Management server. |
New-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Creates an App-V connection group. |
Publish-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Publishes a connection group. |
Publish-AppvServerPackage |
Publish a package. |
Remove-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Removes App-V server connection group. |
Remove-AppvServerConnectionGroupPackage |
(Cmdlet applicable starting in App-V 5.0 SP3) Removes a package from a connection group. |
Remove-AppvServerPackage |
Remove a package from the App-V Management Server. |
Set-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Configures an App-V server package group. |
Set-AppvServerConnectionGroupPackage |
(Cmdlet applicable starting in App-V 5.0 SP3) Appends a package to the end of a connection group package list. |
Set-AppvServerPackage |
Applies a dynamic deployment or user configuration file to a package. |
Unpublish-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Unpublishes connection groups. |
Unpublish-AppvServerPackage |
Unpublishes packages. |
Update-AppvServerConnectionGroup |
Updates the specified connection group. |