Microsoft Azure PowerShell: SecurityInsights cmdlets
Get-AzSentinelAlertRule |
Gets the alert rule. |
Get-AzSentinelAlertRuleAction |
Gets the action of alert rule. |
Get-AzSentinelAlertRuleTemplate |
Gets the alert rule template. |
Get-AzSentinelAutomationRule |
Gets the automation rule. |
Get-AzSentinelBookmark |
Gets a bookmark. |
Get-AzSentinelBookmarkRelation |
Gets a bookmark relation. |
Get-AzSentinelDataConnector |
Gets a data connector. |
Get-AzSentinelEnrichment |
Get geodata for a single IP address |
Get-AzSentinelEntity |
Gets an entity. |
Get-AzSentinelEntityActivity |
Get Insights and Activities for an entity. |
Get-AzSentinelEntityInsight |
Execute Insights for an entity. |
Get-AzSentinelEntityQuery |
Gets an entity query. |
Get-AzSentinelEntityQueryTemplate |
Gets an entity query. |
Get-AzSentinelEntityRelation |
Gets an entity relation. |
Get-AzSentinelEntityTimeline |
Timeline for an entity. |
Get-AzSentinelIncident |
Gets an incident. |
Get-AzSentinelIncidentAlert |
Gets all incident alerts. |
Get-AzSentinelIncidentBookmark |
Gets all incident bookmarks. |
Get-AzSentinelIncidentComment |
Gets an incident comment. |
Get-AzSentinelIncidentEntity |
Gets all incident related entities. |
Get-AzSentinelIncidentRelation |
Gets an incident relation. |
Get-AzSentinelMetadata |
Get a Metadata. |
Get-AzSentinelOnboardingState |
Get Sentinel onboarding state |
Get-AzSentinelSetting |
Gets a setting. |
Get-AzSentinelThreatIntelligenceIndicator |
View a threat intelligence indicator by name. |
Get-AzSentinelThreatIntelligenceIndicatorMetric |
Get threat intelligence indicators metrics (Indicators counts by Type, Threat Type, Source). |
Invoke-AzSentinelThreatIntelligenceIndicatorQuery |
Query threat intelligence indicators as per filtering criteria. |
New-AzSentinelAlertRule |
Creates the alert rule. |
New-AzSentinelAlertRuleAction |
Creates or updates the action of alert rule. |
New-AzSentinelAutomationRule |
Creates or updates the automation rule. |
New-AzSentinelBookmark |
Creates or updates the bookmark. |
New-AzSentinelBookmarkRelation |
Creates the bookmark relation. |
New-AzSentinelDataConnector |
Creates or updates the data connector. |
New-AzSentinelEntityQuery |
Creates or updates the entity query. |
New-AzSentinelIncident |
Creates or updates the incident. |
New-AzSentinelIncidentComment |
Creates or updates the incident comment. |
New-AzSentinelIncidentRelation |
Creates or updates the incident relation. |
New-AzSentinelIncidentTeam |
Creates a Microsoft team to investigate the incident by sharing information and insights between participants. |
New-AzSentinelOnboardingState |
Create Sentinel onboarding state |
Remove-AzSentinelAlertRule |
Delete the alert rule. |
Remove-AzSentinelAlertRuleAction |
Delete the action of alert rule. |
Remove-AzSentinelAutomationRule |
Delete the automation rule. |
Remove-AzSentinelBookmark |
Delete the bookmark. |
Remove-AzSentinelBookmarkRelation |
Delete the bookmark relation. |
Remove-AzSentinelDataConnector |
Delete the data connector. |
Remove-AzSentinelEntityQuery |
Delete the entity query. |
Remove-AzSentinelIncident |
Delete the incident. |
Remove-AzSentinelIncidentComment |
Delete the incident comment. |
Remove-AzSentinelIncidentRelation |
Delete the incident relation. |
Remove-AzSentinelOnboardingState |
Delete Sentinel onboarding state |
Test-AzSentinelDataConnectorCheckRequirement |
Get requirements state for a data connector type. |
Update-AzSentinelAlertRule |
Updates the alert rule. |
Update-AzSentinelAlertRuleAction |
Creates or updates the action of alert rule. |
Update-AzSentinelAutomationRule |
Creates or updates the automation rule. |
Update-AzSentinelBookmark |
Creates or updates the bookmark. |
Update-AzSentinelBookmarkRelation |
Creates the bookmark relation. |
Update-AzSentinelDataConnector |
Updates the data connector. |
Update-AzSentinelEntityQuery |
Updates the entity query. |
Update-AzSentinelIncident |
Creates or updates the incident. |
Update-AzSentinelIncidentComment |
Creates or updates the incident comment. |
Update-AzSentinelIncidentRelation |
Creates or updates the incident relation. |
Update-AzSentinelSetting |
Updates setting. |
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