This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Web Administration cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.
Add-WebConfiguration |
Adds a collection element to an IIS configuration collection. |
Add-WebConfigurationLock |
Locks an IIS configuration section or element. |
Add-WebConfigurationProperty |
Adds a property to an IIS configuration section. |
Backup-WebConfiguration |
Creates a backup of an IIS configuration. |
Clear-WebCentralCertProvider |
Removes all settings for the central certificate provider. |
Clear-WebConfiguration |
Removes configuration settings from the specified configuration location. |
Clear-WebRequestTracingSetting |
Clears the Request Tracing configuration from the specified Web site. |
Clear-WebRequestTracingSettings |
Clears the Request Tracing configuration from the specified Web site. |
ConvertTo-WebApplication |
Converts an IIS virtual directory to an IIS Web application. |
Disable-WebCentralCertProvider |
Takes the central certificate provider offline. |
Disable-WebGlobalModule |
Disables the specified IIS module. |
Disable-WebRequestTracing |
Disables Request Tracing for the specified site. |
Enable-WebCentralCertProvider |
Enables the specified central certificate provider. |
Enable-WebGlobalModule |
Enables the specified IIS module. |
Enable-WebRequestTracing |
Enables Request Tracing for the site specified. |
Get-WebAppDomain |
Gets the application domains in which the specified IIS worker process is running. |
Get-WebApplication |
Gets the Web Applications associated with a specific site or with the specified name. |
Get-WebAppPoolState |
Gets the run-time state of an IIS application pool. |
Get-WebBinding |
Gets the bindings on the specified IIS site. |
Get-WebCentralCertProvider |
Retrieves the configuration settings of the central certificate provider. |
Get-WebConfigFile |
Gets the file system path of the Web.config file. |
Get-WebConfiguration |
Gets an IIS configuration element at the specified path. |
Get-WebConfigurationBackup |
Gets a list of available IIS configuration backups. |
Get-WebConfigurationLocation |
Gets the location of a specified configuration setting. |
Get-WebConfigurationLock |
Gets the lock status of the specified IIS configuration location. |
Get-WebConfigurationProperty |
Gets an IIS configuration property at the specified path. |
Get-WebFilePath |
Gets the physical path to the location of the specified IIS module. |
Get-WebHandler |
Gets IIS request handlers. |
Get-WebItemState |
Gets the run-time state of a site or an application pool. |
Get-WebManagedModule |
Gets the managed modules that are configured for a particular application. |
Get-WebRequest |
Gets the IIS requests that are currently being executed. |
Get-Website |
Gets configuration information for an IIS Web site. |
Get-WebsiteState |
Gets the state of an IIS Web site. |
Get-WebURL |
Gets information about the URL associated with the specified Web site. |
Get-WebVirtualDirectory |
Gets a list of the virtual directories on the specified site. |
New-WebApplication |
Creates a new IIS Web application. |
New-WebAppPool |
Creates a new IIS application pool. |
New-WebBinding |
Adds a binding to a website. |
New-WebFtpSite |
Create a new FTP 7 Site. |
New-WebGlobalModule |
Creates a new IIS global module. |
New-WebHandler |
Creates a new IIS request handler. |
New-WebManagedModule |
Adds a new managed module to the IIS request pipeline. |
New-Website |
Creates a new IIS Web site. |
New-WebVirtualDirectory |
Creates a new virtual directory in IIS. |
Remove-WebApplication |
Removes a Web application from an IIS Web site. |
Remove-WebAppPool |
Removes an application pool from IIS. |
Remove-WebBinding |
Removes a binding from an IIS Web site. |
Remove-WebConfigurationBackup |
Removes an existing IIS configuration backup. |
Remove-WebConfigurationLocation |
Removes an IIS configuration location. |
Remove-WebConfigurationLock |
Removes a lock on configuration settings. |
Remove-WebConfigurationProperty |
Removes an IIS configuration property. |
Remove-WebGlobalModule |
Removes an IIS module. |
Remove-WebHandler |
Removes a request handler from IIS. |
Remove-WebManagedModule |
Removes a managed module from IIS. |
Remove-Website |
Removes an IIS Web site. |
Remove-WebVirtualDirectory |
Removes an IIS virtual directory. |
Rename-WebConfigurationLocation |
Renames a configuration location. |
Restart-WebAppPool |
Recycles an application pool. |
Restart-WebItem |
Restarts an application pool or a Web site. |
Restore-WebConfiguration |
Restores an IIS configuration backup. |
Select-WebConfiguration |
Returns Web configuration objects. |
Set-WebBinding |
Changes a property of an IIS site binding. |
Set-WebCentralCertProvider |
Sets the configuration settings for the central certificate provider. |
Set-WebCentralCertProviderCredential |
Sets the user-account credentials for the central certificate provider. |
Set-WebConfiguration |
Sets the value of an IIS configuration element. |
Set-WebConfigurationProperty |
Changes the value of an IIS configuration property. |
Set-WebGlobalModule |
Specifies configuration settings for an IIS module. |
Set-WebHandler |
Configures an IIS request handler. |
Set-WebManagedModule |
Configures an IIS managed module. |
Start-WebAppPool |
Starts an application pool. |
Start-WebCommitDelay |
Instructs the IIS configuration system to delay the commitment of changes. |
Start-WebItem |
Starts an application pool or a site. |
Start-Website |
Starts an IIS Web site. |
Stop-WebAppPool |
Stops an application pool. |
Stop-WebCommitDelay |
Instructs the IIS configuration system to resume the commitment of changes. |
Stop-WebItem |
Stops an application pool or a site. |
Stop-Website |
Stops an IIS Web site. |