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DDE Connection.When the object is serialized out as xml, its qualified name is x:ddeLink.



Namespace:  DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet
Assembly:  DocumentFormat.OpenXml (in DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll)


<ChildElementInfoAttribute(GetType(DdeItems))> _
Public Class DdeLink _
    Inherits OpenXmlCompositeElement
Dim instance As DdeLink
public class DdeLink : OpenXmlCompositeElement


The following table lists the possible child types:

  • DdeItems <x:ddeItems>

[ISO/IEC 29500-1 1. Ausgabe]

18.14.4 ddeLink (DDE Connection)

This element represents a connection to an external Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server. DDE is a method of sending data between applications using Windows messages according to a documented protocol that has been stable since about 1990.

The hierarchy of names defined by a DDE server is Application, Topics, and Items. Topics often correspond to units such as files or documents or database names, and Items refer to subsets of the data such as cell ranges, rows, fields, columns. DDE items can have multiple values as well.


Data connectivity can use a number of different technologies.The following is just one example of a spreadsheetML fragment describing the product Microsoft Excel being used as a DDE server to provide data to the current spreadsheet document:

<ddeLink xmlns:r="…" ddeService="excel" ddeTopic="[ddesource.xls]Sheet1">
<ddeItem name="R1C1" advise="1"/>
<ddeItem name="StdDocumentName" ole="1" advise="1"/>

end example]

Parent Elements

externalLink (§18.14.8)

Child Elements


ddeItems (DDE Items Collection)




ddeService (Service name)

Service name (i.e., application name) for the DDE connection. This is a required attribute.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§

ddeTopic (Topic for DDE server)

Describes something for the DDE application to which the channel pertains— usually a document of that application. This is a required attribute.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§

[Note: The W3C XML Schema definition of this element's content model (CT_DdeLink) is located in §A.2. end note]

© ISO/IEC29500: 2008. Die oben aufgeführten Textauszüge wurden von Microsoft (und/oder den Microsoft-Vendoren) von Englisch nach Deutsch übersetzt, und im Rahmen von ISO wird keinerlei Verantwortung für diese Übersetzungen übernommen.


Alle öffentlichen static (Shared in Visual Basic) Member dieses Typs sind threadsicher. Bei Instanzmembern ist die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.

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