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Addressing by Using URLs

Many document management operations depend on the value of the URL argument passed to the DataSource methods used by Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) for document and schema item manipulation.

The object model always returns a property containing a URL as an absolute URL in the same format as that used when binding to the object having the property. However, in situations when no changes are necessary to calculate the URL for the destination object, such as when a document is moved or copied, the returned URL is relative to the original object URL.

Microsoft® SharePoint™ Portal Server URLs can contain the following characters:

All US ASCII characters except:

  • Printing characters \80-\FF
  • Control characters \00-\1F, \7F
  • Shell sensitive characters, '\', '*','"', '<', '>', '|','#'

Explicitly allowing:

  • Reserved characters: ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '=' and '&'
  • The following 'unsafe' characters: '%', '{', '}', '^', '~', '[', ']'