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Defines what information is returned about the aggregations design process.


System. . :: . .Object

Namespace:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices
Assembly:  Microsoft.AnalysisServices (in Microsoft.AnalysisServices.dll)


<GuidAttribute("6B4FFA32-01BF-45C7-9D10-D6BB10EB21AF")> _
Public NotInheritable Class DesignAggregationsResult
Dim instance As DesignAggregationsResult
public sealed class DesignAggregationsResult
public ref class DesignAggregationsResult sealed
type DesignAggregationsResult =  class end
public final class DesignAggregationsResult

Der DesignAggregationsResult-Typ macht folgende Elemente verfügbar.


  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Eigenschaft AggregationCount Gets the total number of aggregations designed to this point.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft LastStep Gets a Boolean value that tells if the aggregation design process has finished.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Optimization Gets the level of performance improvement reached in the aggregation design process.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Steps Gets the number of steps the designer accomplished in the last aggregation design iteration.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Storage Gets the total estimated storage, in bytes, required for aggregations designed to this point.
Öffentliche Eigenschaft Time Gets the elapsed number of milliseconds the designer spent in the last aggregation design iteration.

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  Name Beschreibung
Öffentliche Methode Equals (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode Finalize (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetHashCode (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode GetType (Geerbt von Object.)
Geschützte Methode MemberwiseClone (Geerbt von Object.)
Öffentliche Methode ToString (Geerbt von Object.)

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Neu: 17. Juli 2006


Alle öffentlichen static (Shared in Visual Basic)-Elemente dieses Typs sind Threadsicher. Für Instanzelemente wird die Threadsicherheit nicht gewährleistet.