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Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.12.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.12.0.dll)


public struct LANGPREFERENCES3
public value class LANGPREFERENCES3
type LANGPREFERENCES3 =  struct end
JScript supports the use of structures, but not the declaration of new ones.

The LANGPREFERENCES3 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Equals Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal. (Inherited from ValueType.)
Public method GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance. (Inherited from ValueType.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance. (Inherited from ValueType.)



  Name Description
Public field fAutoListMembers
Public field fAutoListParams
Public field fBraceCompletion
Public field fCutCopyBlanks
Public field fDropdownBar
Public field fHideAdvancedAutoListMembers
Public field fHotURLs
Public field fInsertTabs
Public field fLineNumbers
Public field fShowAnnotations
Public field fShowCaretPosition
Public field fShowChanges
Public field fShowCompletion
Public field fShowErrors
Public field fShowHorizontalScrollBar
Public field fShowMarks
Public field fShowPreview
Public field fShowSmartIndent
Public field fShowVerticalScrollBar
Public field fTwoWayTreeview
Public field fUseMapMode
Public field fVirtualSpace
Public field fWordWrap
Public field fWordWrapGlyphs
Public field guidLang
Public field IndentStyle
Public field szFileType
Public field uIndentSize
Public field uOverviewWidth
Public field uTabSize


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop Namespace