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TfsClientCredentials.LoadCachedCredentials Method (String, Uri, Boolean, Boolean)

Loads stored credentials for the specified server if found. If no credentials are found for the specified server and options then default credentials are returned.

This overload assumes that the credentials are to be stored under the TFS server's registry root

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll)


Public Shared Function LoadCachedCredentials ( _
    featureRegistryKeyword As String, _
    serverUrl As Uri, _
    requireExactMatch As Boolean, _
    allowInteractive As Boolean _
) As TfsClientCredentials
public static TfsClientCredentials LoadCachedCredentials(
    string featureRegistryKeyword,
    Uri serverUrl,
    bool requireExactMatch,
    bool allowInteractive
static TfsClientCredentials^ LoadCachedCredentials(
    String^ featureRegistryKeyword, 
    Uri^ serverUrl, 
    bool requireExactMatch, 
    bool allowInteractive
static member LoadCachedCredentials : 
        featureRegistryKeyword:string * 
        serverUrl:Uri * 
        requireExactMatch:bool * 
        allowInteractive:bool -> TfsClientCredentials
public static function LoadCachedCredentials(
    featureRegistryKeyword : String, 
    serverUrl : Uri, 
    requireExactMatch : boolean, 
    allowInteractive : boolean
) : TfsClientCredentials


  • requireExactMatch
    Type: System.Boolean

    A value indicating whether an exact or partial match of the server is required

  • allowInteractive
    Type: System.Boolean

    A value indicating whether the credentials may support interactivity

Return Value

Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.TfsClientCredentials
A credentials object populated with stored credentials for the server if found

.NET Framework Security

See Also


TfsClientCredentials Class

LoadCachedCredentials Overload

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client Namespace