Extender Providers
This content was written for .NET Framework. If you're using .NET 6 or a later version, use this content with caution. The designer system has changed for Windows Forms and it's important that you review the Designer changes since .NET Framework article.
You can extend the behavior of your components and controls by attaching separate properties that are provided by another component called an extender provider.
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Offers general information about how to use and implement extender provider classes. |
Provides code examples that show how to create and use an extender provider class. |
Provides a detailed procedure with code to explain how to implement an extender provider class with code. |
Demonstrates the full implementation of a HelpLabel extender provider class. |
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Defines the interface for extending properties to other components in a container. |
Specifies the name of the property that an implementer of IExtenderProvider offers to other components. |
Documents an extender provider for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it. |
Documents an extender provider for pop-up or online Help for controls. |
Documents an extender provider for the component tray of a designer. |
Documents an extender provider that enables design-time support for localization features to a root designer. |
Documents an extender provider that enables ToolTips for components and controls. |
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Offers general information about how to use and implement type descriptor classes. |
Offers general information about how to use and implement UI type editor classes. |