War Room - notes from the field
Copy VHD / data files into a CSV Disk We need to use the Coordinator Node Remember that CSV is...
Date: 01/09/2013
Best practices for migration of cluster windows 2008 R2 / 2012 - As melhores Praticas para migrar um Cluster de Windows 2008 para Windows 2012
This one is based on a collection of several information available, Windows Svr 2012 - best...
Date: 12/06/2012
Some of the Cluster Recovery functionality is built into Windows 2008 Failover Clustering. Say I...
Date: 07/04/2012
Recommended hotfixes KBs for SCVMM 2008 R2 / SCVMM 2012 1- for VMM 2012: 2724596 Recommended...
Date: 06/21/2012
Lista proactiva de updates / proactive recommended updates ( Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM / SP1 Cluster ) April 2012
Lista proactiva de updates / proactive recommended updates ( Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM / SP1...
Date: 04/02/2012
Audit any changes in the cluster registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Cluster) in a windows 2003 cluster...
Date: 11/22/2011
1 - Extend system partition: 1.1: Windows PE This article discusses the support boundaries that...
Date: 10/17/2011
Configuring a Certificate for Virtual Machine Connection in Hyper-V or thru SCVMM: Replacing the...
Date: 10/04/2011
Hi All A very important info regarding Disk Timeout, Disk timeout value: Less is better The Windows...
Date: 09/07/2011
Windows Server 2003 SP2 Cluster 1.1: P1 – CLUSTER SERVER ( BASE & STORAGE & FILE SYSTEM )...
Date: 09/05/2011
w2k8 / w2k8r2 :Cluster Disk May Fail and Run ChkDsk when a Backslash ‘’ or Forwardslash ‘/’ is used in the Resource Name
Hi All In rare circumstances with 2008 R2 clusters where a ‘Physical Disk’ resource may fail to come...
Date: 09/01/2011
Hi All I have recently come upon some settings that we can add to allow us to perform the backups of...
Date: 09/01/2011
Hi All If We are often having Memory issues in Hyper-V, here is a Step by Step to maximize the...
Date: 07/05/2011
Bitlocker without TPM: BitLocker provides the most protection when used with a Trusted Platform...
Date: 10/29/2010
October List of VMM / Failover Cluster / Hyper-V Updates: This article includes a list of System...
Date: 10/28/2010
Erro ao adicionar driver x86 num servidor x64: Qual é o problema? Ao tentar instalar drivers...
Date: 10/25/2010
Hi All, A new VMM 2008 R2 rollup is now published and available thru Microsoft Update. Description...
Date: 09/16/2010
In case you see this one: Physical to Virtual Conversion with Hyper-V VMM 2008 R2, Succeeded in P2V...
Date: 07/09/2010
Hi All FYI, I just had this issue and in case you start seeing strange disk issues with cluster in...
Date: 06/23/2010
Windows Server 2008: Access Based Enumeration Before we start talking about ABE in Windows Server...
Date: 06/21/2010
New SCVMM KB Article: You cannot delete a missing VM in SCVMM 2008 or in SCVMM 2008 R2 / Attempting a System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 P2V conversion of Windows Server 2003 R2 fails with Error 13257
1: New SCVMM KB Article: You cannot delete a missing VM in SCVMM 2008 or in SCVMM 2008 R2 The issue...
Date: 06/21/2010
Hyper-V R2 Update for DPM 2010 Install those two Updates on Hyper-V R2 server: KB975354 A Hyper-V...
Date: 06/18/2010
HP DSM now supports CSV If you see Clusters with CSV on EVA Devices that sporadically loose disks,...
Date: 06/18/2010
Update for Hyper-V R2 and CPU Issue KB981791 Update for Hyper-V R2 and CPU Issue KB981791 Assume...
Date: 06/18/2010
Update to Hyper-V R2 to solve backup/ VSS issues, Recently I have come across an issue with long...
Date: 06/18/2010
SCVMM Comprehensive Updates June 2010: Description of the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008...
Date: 06/16/2010
WINDOWS 2008 / 2008 R2, HYPER-V & FAILOVER CLUSTERING Better Together. Updated cluster limits...
Date: 06/16/2010
Update for Best Practices Analyzer for HYPER-V for Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Edition (KB977238) You...
Date: 05/26/2010
Cada vez mais a existência de ambientes virtuais é uma realidade e tal como em ambientes locais...
Date: 05/26/2010
In development environments or when debugging a customer issue, it is usually a pain to get a crash...
Date: 04/05/2010
Among some other nice features: Repairs a broken Hyper-V snapshot chain where an administrator has...
Date: 04/05/2010
Recently we release the Official Guide on How to configure your Network Cards with Hyper-V...
Date: 04/05/2010
What to do when you are unable to start the Cluster network Name (CNO) or any other Network name...
Date: 03/11/2010
NLB is supported in Hyper- V How to configure NLB in Hyper- V, Network Load Balancing (NLB) and...
Date: 01/11/2010
Erro ao remover as Virtual Machine additions de uma VM que esta a correr em VS2005 para a podermos mover para um ambiente HYPER-V:
Cannot remove Virtual Machine additions from DC, Migrating our VM's from Virtual Server to Hyper-V....
Date: 01/11/2010
Por vezes surge a necessidade configurar o Cluster para fazer failover das VM´s de um node para o...
Date: 01/11/2010
Migrate a Cluster to a different SAN W2K / W2k3: Before doing anything please have a full backup of...
Date: 01/11/2010
Este post ira descrever varias maneiars de instalar o NLB Actualmente existem 34 maneiras para fazer...
Date: 12/16/2009
Why we need to use Dynamic Disks with Windows Server Failover Clustering: Are Dynamic Disks...
Date: 12/16/2009
A minha lista de exclusões de ficheiros/ serviços para o antivírus: 1.) %systemroot%\System32\Spool...
Date: 11/27/2009
1: Para clusters de Windows 2000 SP4, Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 and known issues...
Date: 11/27/2009
1: Como parar ou evitar que o CHKDSK arranque: Existem varias situações que por vezes necessitamos...
Date: 11/27/2009