Windows 8, Windows Azure, Windows Phone, .NET, C#, XAML, and more.
Ruminating on issues pertinent to the design and development of sound databases and processes under Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Server 2000 (while reserving the right to vent about anything else that's on my mind)
Open mind 4 a Different Coding
Things of interest to SQL Server Database Administrators.
Techno gyan by Vijayshinva Karnure - Support Escalation Engineer (Microsoft)
This blog contains my viewpoint on various topics and current events related to the software industry. Your viewpoint is welcome.
These are the top-of-mind issues and random thoughts of Wayne Filin-Matthews.
PowerPoint and OfficeArt fun
Oh, what a tangled web
The BizTalk Adapter Pack, comprising of the SAP, Siebel, OracleDB, OracleEBS and SQL WCF Bindings / Adapters which can be used with BizTalk Server 2006 R2 and R3. The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Line Of Business (LOB) Adapter SDK.
Help developers easily buid WCF services
我们的目标 -- 开发最好的工具服务于最酷的技术
Thoughts about online communities, Power Toys for Visual Studio, and personal experiences with Windows Media Player and Zune
Making Windows 10 better, one piece of feedback at a time
Blog of Spanish SharePoint Support Engineers Team
This site discusses all things "Internet Explorer"
IIS, ADFS, WIF and .Net
Paulo Teixeira escreve sobre Web/IIS para ajudar a desenvolvedores escreverem aplicações mais eficientes e performáticas. Também fala sobre técnicas para identificação e resolução de problemas em aplicações e otimização de infra-estrutura Web.
Laurence Moroney's blog!
Your official information source from the Web Diagnostics and Tools team at Microsoft.
Web: The Ultimate Cross Platform Universe
Understanding the performance of Microsoft's Web Stack: IIS, ASP.NET, WCF, and more.
Blog on IIS, ASP.NET and Azure App Service technologies
Journal sur le web de Stéphane PAPP sur l'administration de systèmes.
On Everything from Turing Machine to Turn-key optimization, Atom to Artificial Intelligence ... by Corporate Technology Strategist, Gopalakrishna Palem
Alles Ressourcen zum Thema WebMatrix, Tutorials, Beispiele, Helper, Links und Artikel
エバンジェリスト 武田正樹の Web プラットフォーム インストーラー & WebMatrix 関連ブログ
IIS and ASP.NET Information and Tips from Microsoft Developer Support
All the HTTP you can eat.
Just another Developer Network site
Microsoft Products
Makin' it count !
Helping partners understand the value of Microsoft Business Applications.
Helping partners understand the value of Microsoft solutions.