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Γρήγορα φίλτρα

Αναφορά API Xamarin.Mac SDK version 14

AVFoundation NamespaceThe AVFoundation namespace provides high-level classes for audio recording and playback.
AVKit NamespaceThe AVKit namespace provides standard views for capturing media and playing visual content.
Accelerate NamespaceThe Accelerate namespace provides high-performance code for manipulating image data.
Accounts NamespaceThe Accounts namespace provides classes for storing social-network account credentials and UIs for authentication.
AdSupport NamespaceThe AdSupport namespace provides the ASIdentifierManager device manager.
AppKit Namespace
AudioToolbox NamespaceThe AudioToolbox namespace provides medium-level classes for recording and playing audio.
AudioUnit NamespaceThe AudioUnit namespace provides low-level audio access, allowing access to Audio Units and audio processing chains.
BusinessChat Namespace
CFNetwork Namespace
CloudKit NamespaceThe CloudKit namespace provides access to iCloud.
Compression Namespace
Contacts NamespaceProvides classes that model a person's contact information.
ContactsUI NamespaceStandard controllers for interacting with the Contacts store.
CoreAnimation NamespaceThe CoreAnimation namespace provides access to the underlying animation framework that powers UIKit.
CoreAudioKit NamespaceThe CoreAudioKit namespace provides generic views that can be extended to provide user interfaces for audio units.
CoreBluetooth NamespaceThe CoreBluetooth namespace provides classes for Bluetooth communication.
CoreData NamespaceThe CoreData namespace provides object-graph serialization and persistence.
CoreFoundation NamespaceThe CoreFoundation namespace provides low-level access to C-based CocoaTouch APIs.
CoreGraphics NamespaceThe CoreGraphics namespace provides access to a C-based low-level 2D graphics API.
CoreImage NamespaceThe CoreImage namespace provides hardware-accelerated image processing.
CoreLocation NamespaceThe CoreLocation namespace provides classes for tracking and monitoring location, regions (including iBeacons), and geocoding.
CoreML NamespaceThe CoreML namespace provides relatively high-level access to machine learning model runtimes.
CoreMedia NamespaceThe CoreMedia namespace provides low-level classes for managing and playing audio and video.
CoreMidi NamespaceThe CoreMidi namespace provides classes for interacting with the MIDI subsystem.
CoreServices NamespaceThe CoreServices namespace provides low-level classes relating to networking with CFNetwork.
CoreSpotlight NamespaceAllows applications to add data to the system search index.
CoreText NamespaceThe CoreText namespace provides low-level classes for laying out and rendering text.
CoreVideo NamespaceThe CoreVideo namespace provides low-level support for capturing and manipulating video streams.
CoreWlan Namespace
Darwin Namespace
EventKit NamespaceThe EventKit namespace provides classes for manipulating the system calendar.
ExternalAccessory NamespaceThe ExternalAccessory namespace provides classes for communicating with accessories connected to the device.
FinderSync Namespace
Foundation NamespaceThe Foundation namespace provides lower-level classes in the Objective-C world. Often these classes have equivalents in the .NET Base Class Library.
GLKit NamespaceThe GLKit namespace provides a framework for configuring and using OpenGL.
GameController NamespaceThe GameController namespace provides support for external game controllers.
GameKit NamespaceThe GameKit namespace provides easy communication between iPhone/iPod Touch devices.
GameplayKit NamespaceThe GameplayKit namespace provides classes for high-level game-playing mechanics such as pathfinding, rules engines, and AI opponents.
IOSurface Namespace
ImageIO NamespaceThe ImageIO namespace provides classes for image input and output.
ImageKit Namespace
Intents NamespaceThe Intents namespace supports Siri-related app extensions.
JavaScriptCore NamespaceThe JavaScriptCore namespace provides classes that evaluate JavaScript code, parse JSON, and allow manipulation of the JS environment.
LocalAuthentication NamespaceThe LocalAuthentication namespace provides support for TouchID.
MapKit NamespaceThe MapKit namespace provides embeddable maps, annotations, and directions.
MediaAccessibility NamespaceThe MediaAccessibility namespace provides support for captioning of video.
MediaLibrary Namespace
MediaPlayer NamespaceThe MediaPlayer namespace provides high-level classes for standard playback of audio or video.
MediaToolbox NamespaceThe MediaToolbox namespace provides low-level classes for working with audio processing taps.
Metal NamespaceThe Metal namespace provides GPU-accelerated 3D rendering and data-parallel computation.
MetalKit NamespaceProvides higher-level classes for writing applications that use Metal for rendering.
MetalPerformanceShaders NamespaceHighly-optimized image and computer shaders.
MobileCoreServices NamespaceThe MobileCoreServices namespace provides the UTType, which defines constant Uniform Type Identifiers.
ModelIO NamespaceClasses for manipulating 3D assets.
MultipeerConnectivity NamespaceThe MultipeerConnectivity namespace provides local (WiFi/Bluetooth) peer-to-peer messaging and data connections.
NaturalLanguage Namespace
Network NamespaceModern networking library.
NetworkExtension NamespaceThe NetworkExtension namespace provides classes for configuring and connecting to VPN servers.
NotificationCenter NamespaceThe NotificationCenter namespace provides classes for creating and updating widgets in the Today view.
ObjCRuntime NamespaceThe ObjCRuntime namespace provides classes for binding Objective-C types with the Mono managed runtime.
OpenGL Namespace
OpenTK NamespaceOpenGL and OpenTK bindings for iOS.
PdfKit NamespaceThe PdfKit namespace provides functions for reading, writing, and annotating PDF documents.
Photos NamespaceThe Photos namespace provides classes for manipulating photo and video assets managed by the Photos App, including iCloud photos.
PhotosUI NamespaceThe PhotosUI namespace provides for extensions to the Photos app.
PrintCore Namespace
QTKit Namespace
QuartzComposer Namespace
QuickLook NamespaceThe QuickLook namespace provides preview capabilities for external documents.
QuickLookUI Namespace
SafariServices NamespaceThe SafariServices namespace provides the ability to add items to the Safari Reading List.
SceneKit NamespaceThe SceneKit namespace provides high-level, scene-graph-based 3D graphics.
ScriptingBridge Namespace
SearchKit Namespace
Security NamespaceThe Security namespace provides access to the key chain.
Social NamespaceThe Social namespace provides for composing and sharing data on social networks.
SpriteKit NamespaceThe SpriteKit namespace provides a library for 2D graphics, animation, and physics.
StoreKit NamespaceThe StoreKit namespace provides in-app content purchases.
System Namespace
System.Net.Http Namespace
SystemConfiguration NamespaceThe SystemConfiguration namespace provides classes for determining network reachability.
UserNotifications NamespaceThe UserNotifications framework consolidates the delivery and handling of local and remote user notifications.
VideoSubscriberAccount NamespaceThe VideoSubscriberAccount namespace supports behind-the-scenes authentication to a known provider.
VideoToolbox NamespaceThe VideoToolbox namespace provides low-level classes for encoding and decoding video streams.
Vision NamespaceThe Vision namespace provides high-level image-recognition and registration facilities.
WebKit NamespaceThe WebKit namespace provides Web browser control.
iTunesLibrary Namespace