
Κοινή χρήση μέσω


Represents a configuration section for creating a subscription to workflow tracking records in a tracking participant. A tracking profile contains tracking queries that permit a tracking participant to subscribe to workflow events that are emitted when the state of a workflow instance changes at run time. The queries defined within the tracking profile section define the kinds of events that are returned by the subscription.

For more information in workflow tracking and its configuration, see Workflow Tracking and Tracing and Tracking Profiles.



        <add name="String"
             type="String" />
      <trackingProfile name="String">
        <workflow activityDefinitionId="String">
            <activityScheduledQuery activityName="String"
            <activityStateQuery activityName="String" />
              <argument name="String" />
              <state name="String"  />
              <variable name="String" />
            <bookmarkResumptionQuery name="String" />
            <cancelRequestQuery activityName="String"
            <customTrackingQuery activityName="String"
            <faultPropagationQuery activityName="String"
                                   faultHandlerActivityName="String" />
                <state name="String" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
name A string that specifies the name of the tracking profile.

Child Elements

Element Description
<participants> A configuration element that contains all queries for a specific workflow identified by the ProfileWorkflowElement.ActivityDefinitionId property.

Parent Elements

Element Description
<tracking> Represents a configuration section for defining tracking settings for a workflow service.


Tracking profiles contains tracking queries that permit a tracking participant to subscribe to workflow events that are emitted when the state of a workflow instance changes at run time. Depending on your monitoring requirements you may write a profile that is very coarse, which subscribes to a small set of high-level state changes on a workflow. Conversely, you may create a very specific profile whose resulting events are rich enough to reconstruct a detailed execution flow later.

Tracking profiles are structured as declarative subscriptions for tracking records that allow you to query the workflow runtime for specific tracking records. There are a handful of query types that allow you subscribe to different classes of TrackingRecord objects. For a complete list of queries, see <participants> and Tracking Profiles..

The following example shows a tracking profile in a configuration file that allows a tracking participant to subscribe to the Started and Completed workflow events.

      <trackingProfile name="Sample Tracking Profile">  
        <workflow activityDefinitionId="*">  
              <state name="Started"/>  
              <state name="Completed"/>  

See also