
Κοινή χρήση μέσω

Push Symbol Packages

It is possible to push symbols packages (snupkg) using the NuGet V3 API. These operations are based off of the SymbolPackagePublish resource found in the service index.


The following @type value is used:

@type value Notes
SymbolPackagePublish/4.9.0 The initial release

Base URL

The base URL for the following APIs is the value of the @id property of the SymbolPackagePublish/4.9.0 resource in the package source's service index. For the documentation below, nuget.org's URL is used. Consider https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/symbolpackage as a placeholder for the @id value found in the service index.

HTTP methods

The PUT HTTP method is supported by this resource.

Push a symbol package

nuget.org supports pushing new symbol packages format (snupkg) using the following API.

PUT https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/symbolpackage

Symbol packages with the same ID and version can be submitted multiple times. A symbol package will be rejected in the following cases.

  • A package with the same ID and version does not exist.
  • A symbol package with the same ID and version was pushed but is not yet published.
  • The symbol package (snupkg) is invalid (see symbol package constraints).

Request parameters

Name In Type Required Notes
X-NuGet-ApiKey Header string yes For example, X-NuGet-ApiKey: {USER_API_KEY}

The API key is an opaque string gotten from the package source by the user and configured into the client. No particular string format is mandated but the length of the API key should not exceed a reasonable size for HTTP header values.

Request body

The request body for the symbol push is same as with the request body of a package push request (see package push and delete).


Status Code Meaning
201 The symbol package was successfully pushed.
400 The provided symbol package is invalid.
401 The user is not authorized to perform this action.
404 A corresponding package with the provided ID and version does not exist.
409 A symbol package with the provided ID and version was pushed but it is not available yet.
413 The package is too large.