Λειτουργική μονάδα
Apprenez à rapprocher votre facture et à analyser les coûts de vos clients et ressources en utilisant Microsoft Cost Management en tant que partenaire.
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Describes resources related to services purchased by a customer.
ServiceCostsSummary contains a summary that aggregates all services purchased by the specified customer during the billing period.
Property | Type | Description |
details | array of ServiceCostsSummaryDetail objects | The service cost summary detail list distinguished by invoice type. |
links | ResourceLinks | The resource links. |
attributes | ResourceAttributes | The metadata attributes. |
The fields in the following table are being deprecated. To retrieve recurring and one-time service cost summaries, use the details field instead. The details field is described in the previous table. Refer to the details field's corresponding data values but not the root-level fields.
Property | Type | Description |
billingStartDate | date | The start of the billing period. |
billingEndDate | date | The end of the billing period. |
pretaxTotal | double | The pretax total of all costs for the customer. |
tax | double | The total tax incurred over all items purchased by the customer. |
afterTaxTotal | double | The net total cost for all items purchased by the customer. |
currencyCode | string | Represents the currency used for the costs. |
currencySymbol | string | The currency symbol used for the costs. |
customerId | string | The ID of the customer making the purchase. |
ServiceCostsSummaryDetail describes a service cost summary that aggregates all services purchased by the specified customer during the billing period (from either recurring or one-time invoices).
Property | Type | Description |
invoiceType | string | The invoiceType for which a summary of service cost is generated . |
summary | ServiceCostsSummary | The service cost summary aggregated by a customer under one invoice type. |
ServiceCostLineItem describes a single item purchased by the customer.
The following properties only apply to service cost line items where the product is a one-time purchase: productId, productName, skuId, skuName, availabilityId, publisherId, publisherName, termAndBillingCycle, discountDetails. These properties don't apply to service line items where the product is a recurring purchase. For example, these properties don't apply to subscription-based Office 365 and Azure.
Property | Type | Description |
startDate | string in UTC date-time format | The start date for the charge. |
endDate | string in UTC date-time format | The end date for the charge. |
subscriptionFriendlyName | string | The friendly name for the subscription. |
subscriptionId | string | The subscription identifier. |
orderId | string | The order identifier. |
offerId | string | The offer identifier. |
offerName | string | The offer name. |
resellerMPNId | string | Only used in two-tier partner scenarios. Refers to the partner identifier. |
chargeType | string | The associated charge type. |
quantity | number | The quantity of units used or purchased. |
unitPrice | number | The price per unit. |
pretaxTotal | number | The total charge for this item before taxes. |
tax | number | The total tax charge incurred for this item. |
afterTaxTotal | number | The net total cost for this item. |
currencyCode | string | Represents the currency used for the costs. |
currencySymbol | string | The currency symbol used for the costs. |
customerId | string | The ID of the customer making the purchase. |
customerName | string | The name of the customer making the purchase. |
invoiceNumber | string | The invoice number that this line item belongs to. |
productId | string | The product identifier. |
skuId | string | The Sku identifier. |
availabilityId | string | The availability identifier. |
productName | string | The product name. |
skuName | string | The sku name. |
publisherName | string | The publisher name. |
publisherId | string | The publisher identifier. |
termAndBillingCycle | string | The term and billing cycle. |
discountDetails | string | The discount details. |
Λειτουργική μονάδα
Apprenez à rapprocher votre facture et à analyser les coûts de vos clients et ressources en utilisant Microsoft Cost Management en tant que partenaire.