DLLs Included with Server Core
Σε αυτό το άρθρο
Server Core includes the following DLLs, sorted by feature area.
Ανάπτυξη πίνακα
Active Directory
activeds.dll - Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI)
ntdsapi.dll - Domain controller and replication management
Application Installation
cabinet.dll - CAB file management
imagehlp.dll - Portable Executable (PE) extraction
msi.dll - Windows installer
Authentication Security
advapi32.dll - HTTP authentication and credential management
credui.dll - Credential management
cryptnet.dll - Secure channel (X.509 certificates)
cryptui.dll - Credential management
Schannel.dll - Secure channel (X.509 certificates)
wintrust.dll - Catalog functions
General Networking
authz.dll - Secure RPC
httpapi.dll - HTTP
iphlpapi.dll - Internet Protocol Helper (IP Helper)
mgmtapi.dll - SNMP management
mpr.dll - Windows Networking (WNet)
mprapi.dll - RAS and router administration
mswsock.dll - Winsock
netsh.exe - NetShell
rpcrt4.dll - RPC NDR engine
rtutils.dll - Remote RAS tracing
security.dll - Remote RAS security
snmpapi.dll - SNMP
traffic.dll - QoS traffic control
winhttp.dll - HTTP
Server Clustering
clusapi.dll - Clustering API
resutils.dll - Clustering utility functions
User Interface
mlang.dll - Multiple language support
msctf.dll - Text Services Framework (TSF)
Windows System Services
clfsw32.dll - Log file management
dbghelp.dll - Debugging helper
dciman32.dll - Graphics support
fltlib.dll - Minifilter management
fltmgr.sys - Minifilter management
gdi32.dll - Graphics support
kernel32.dll - Windows system kernel
mstask.dll - Task scheduler
ntdll.dll - Windows internal
ole32.dll - Object management
oleaut32.dll - Object management
pdh.dll - Performance monitoring
powrprof.dll - Power management
psapi.dll - Performance monitoring
pstorec.dll - Protected storage interface
sfc.dll - Windows File Protection
srclient.dll - System Restore functions
user32.dll - User objects
userenv.dll - User profile support
verifier.dll - Performace monitoring
version.dll - Versioning information
vssapi.dll - Volume shadow copy
winsta.dll - Windows internal
For a list of functions supported by Server Core sorted by DLL name, see Server Core Functions by DLL .