Performs a batch normalization on the input. This operator performs the following computation: Output = FusedActivation(Scale * ((Input - Mean) / sqrt(Variance + Epsilon)) + Bias)
Any dimension in MeanTensor, VarianceTensor, ScaleTensor, and BiasTensor can be set to 1, and be automatically broadcast to match InputTensor, but otherwise must equal the corresponding dimension's size from InputTensor.
const DML_TENSOR_DESC *InputTensor;
const DML_TENSOR_DESC *MeanTensor;
const DML_TENSOR_DESC *VarianceTensor;
const DML_TENSOR_DESC *ScaleTensor;
const DML_TENSOR_DESC *BiasTensor;
const DML_TENSOR_DESC *OutputTensor;
BOOL Spatial;
FLOAT Epsilon;
const DML_OPERATOR_DESC *FusedActivation;
Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*
A tensor containing the Input data.
Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*
A tensor containing the Mean data.
Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*
A tensor containing the Variance data.
Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*
A tensor containing the Scale data.
Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*
A tensor containing the Bias data.
Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*
A tensor to write the results to.
Type: BOOL
TRUE to specify that locations are spatial, otherwise FALSE. Setting this to FALSE will require the Width and Height dimensions of MeanTensor and VarianceTensor to not be broadcast. This parameter was deprecated in DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_4_0, and has no effect.
The epsilon value to use to avoid division by zero.
Type: _Maybenull_ const DML_OPERATOR_DESC*
An optional fused activation layer to apply after the normalization. For more info, see Using fused operators for improved performance.
This operator was introduced in DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_1_0
- BiasTensor, InputTensor, MeanTensor, OutputTensor, ScaleTensor, and VarianceTensor must have the same DataType and DimensionCount.
- InputTensor and OutputTensor must have the same Sizes.
Tensor | Kind | Dimensions | Supported dimension counts | Supported data types |
InputTensor | Input | { InputDimensions[] } | 1 to 8 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
MeanTensor | Input | { MeanDimensions[] } | 1 to 8 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
VarianceTensor | Input | { VarianceDimensions[] } | 1 to 8 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
ScaleTensor | Input | { ScaleDimensions[] } | 1 to 8 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
BiasTensor | Input | { BiasDimensions[] } | 1 to 8 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
OutputTensor | Output | { InputDimensions[] } | 1 to 8 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
Tensor | Kind | Dimensions | Supported dimension counts | Supported data types |
InputTensor | Input | { InputDimensions[] } | 4 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
MeanTensor | Input | { MeanDimensions[] } | 4 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
VarianceTensor | Input | { VarianceDimensions[] } | 4 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
ScaleTensor | Input | { ScaleDimensions[] } | 4 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
BiasTensor | Input | { BiasDimensions[] } | 4 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
OutputTensor | Output | { InputDimensions[] } | 4 | FLOAT32, FLOAT16 |
Requirement | Value |
Header | directml.h |