ValueChange Interface


Represents a value that has been changed in a PivotTable report that is based on an OLAP data source.

public interface class ValueChange
public interface ValueChange
Public Interface ValueChange


The PivotTableChangeList collection contains ValueChange objects that represent changes a user has made to value cells in a PivotTable report.

The properties of the ValueChange object specify details about the change that was made, such as the value of the change, the tuple associated with the cell that was changed, the order in which the change was made relative to other changes, and whether the cell is visible in the PivotTable. The ValueChange object also provides the PivotCell property that returns a PivotCell object that represents the cell that was changed, and provides additional information about the changed cell.



Gets what method to use to allocate this value when performing what-if analysis.


Gets what value to allocate when performing what-if analysis.


Gets the MDX weight expression to use for this value when performing what-if analysis.


When used without an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the Microsoft Excel application. When used with an object qualifier, this property returns an Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.


Gets a 32-bit integer that indicates the application in which this object was created.


Gets a value that indicates the order in which this change was performed relative to other changes in the PivotTableChangeList collection.


Gets the parent object for the specified object.


Gets a PivotCell object that represents the cell (tuple) that was changed.


Gets the MDX tuple of the value was changed in the OLAP data source.


Gets the value that the user entered in the cell or that the formula in the cell was evaluated to when UPDATE CUBE statement was last run against the OLAP data source.


Gets whether the cell (tuple) is currently visible in the PivotTable report.



Deletes the specified ValueChange object from the PivotTableChangeList collection.

Applies to