Duplicate rows in the DistributionContentVersion table after you reassign a DP in Configuration Manager

This article provides a solution and workaround for the issue that duplicate rows are created in the DistributionContentVersion table after you reassign the distribution point (DP) to another primary site in Configuration Manager.

Original product version:   Configuration Manager (current branch - version 1810), Configuration Manager (current branch - version 1806), Configuration Manager (current branch - version 1802)
Original KB number:   4498264


In a Configuration Manager current branch version 1802 or later version hierarchy, you use the Reassign Distribution Point feature to reassign a DP to another primary site. Content validation is enabled on the DP.

In this scenario, after a new content validation cycle ends, duplicate rows for each package on the DP are generated in the DistributionContentVersion table, one for the old site and one for the new site.

This is an example of what occurs when you reassign a DP from site PS2 to site PS1.

Figure 1: Output of the DistributionContentVersion table before you reassign the DP

Screenshot of the output of the DistributionContentVersion table before DP move.

Figure 2: Output of the DistributionContentVersion table after you reassign the DP and a new content validation cycle ends

Screenshot of the output of the DistributionContentVersion table after DP move.

After you reassign the DP, merging data into the ContentDistribution table fails. For example, when the spRebuildContentDistribution procedure runs or the Configuration Data group is reinitialized, you receive this error message:

Msg 8672, Level 16, State 1, Procedure spRebuildContentDistribution, Line 197 [Batch Start Line 29]
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once. This happens when a target row matches more than one source row. A MERGE statement cannot UPDATE/DELETE the same row of the target table multiple times. Refine the ON clause to ensure a target row matches at most one source row, or use the GROUP BY clause to group the source rows.

Failure scenarios include adding a new site, recovering a site, and re-initializing configuration data.


When content validation is enabled, the DistributionContentVersion table is populated with data that's reported by content validation. When you reassign a DP from one site to another, the spMoveDistributionPoint procedure updates DPNALPath in the DistributionContentVersion table. However, it doesn't update SiteCode.

Therefore, after the DP is reassigned to the new site and a new content validation cycle runs, there are two rows for each package in the DistributionContentVersion table: One for the old site and one for the new site.

To determine whether you experience this issue, run this SQL query:

SELECT * FROM DistributionContentVersion DCV
LEFT JOIN DistributionPoints DP ON DP.NALPath = DCV.DPNALPath
WHERE DCV.SiteCode <> DP.SMSSiteCode

If the result isn't NULL, the issue occurs.


To fix the issue, update to Configuration Manager version 1902.


To work around this issue without updating, run the following SQL statements on the central administration site or a primary site after you reassign the DP:

--Detect and fix the DistributionContentVersion duplicates after reassigning a DP to a new site
--Run this on any one site in the hierarchy (CAS or Primary) and the fix should propagate in the rest sites through DRS

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp') IS NOT NULL

FROM DistributionContentVersion DCV
LEFT JOIN DistributionPoints DP ON DP.NALPath = DCV.DPNALPath
WHERE DCV.SiteCode <> DP.SMSSiteCode

    PRINT 'Affected by DistributedContentVersion Duplicate PkgID, NalPath issue. Cleaning the old site records...'
    PRINT ''
    DECLARE @ActualSiteCode NVARCHAR(3)
    DECLARE @OldSiteCode NVARCHAR(3)

    DECLARE DelOldSiteInfoForDistContentVersion CURSOR FOR
        SELECT A.PkgID,A.DPNALPath,A.SMSSiteCode,A.SiteCode FROM #TEMP AS A
    OPEN DelOldSiteInfoForDistContentVersion;
    FETCH NEXT FROM DelOldSiteInfoForDistContentVersion INTO @PkgID,@NALPath,@ActualSiteCode,@OldSiteCode;
          PRINT 'Deleting the record for Package '+ @PkgID +' and NalPath '+ @NalPath + ' for the Old SiteCode '+   @OldSiteCode
           -- Delete records of DP which are for the old site
          DELETE FROM DistributionContentVersion WHERE PkgID=@PkgID AND DPNALPath=@NALPath AND SiteCode = @OldSiteCode
       FETCH NEXT FROM DelOldSiteInfoForDistContentVersion INTO @PkgID,@NALPath,@ActualSiteCode,@OldSiteCode;
    CLOSE DelOldSiteInfoForDistContentVersion;
    DEALLOCATE DelOldSiteInfoForDistContentVersion;
    PRINT 'DistributionContentVersion table is Fine. Exiting...'