InitializationStatus Enum


Enum which represents the various point of the initialization process.

public enum class InitializationStatus


Name Value Description
InitializationNotStarted 0

Initialization has not started yet.

InitializationStarted 1

Initialization has started.

ActivatingLanguageClient 10

Executing ActivateAsync(CancellationToken) method.

CreatingJsonRpcObject 20

Creating JsonRpc object with the provided connection.

ConfiguringRemoteCustomMessageTarget 30

Adding CustomMessageTarget to the JsonRpc object. This is only done if the language client implements ILanguageClientCustomMessage2.

ConfiguringTracing 40

Configuring the client specific tracing.

StartingJsonRpcConnection 50

StartListening() is called for the connection object.

AttachingRpcObjectForCustomMessaging 60

Calling AttachForCustomMessageAsync(JsonRpc) to provide the language client with the JsonRpc object to be used for custom messaging.

SendingInitializeRequest 70

Sending the LSP 'initialize' request to the language server.

SendingInitializedNotification 80

Sending the LSP 'initialized' notification to the language server.

SubscribingToDisconnectionEvents 90

Subscribing to the Disconnected event.

InitializationComplete 100

Initialization completed.

Applies to

Product Versions
Visual Studio SDK 2022