ListCompartment Class


DomainClass ListCompartment Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.ListCompartment

public ref class ListCompartment abstract : Microsoft::VisualStudio::Modeling::Diagrams::Compartment, Microsoft::VisualStudio::Modeling::Diagrams::IListFieldContainer




Unique identifier for the background gradient field for this shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

ListCompartment domain class Id.


ItemTextColor domain property Id.



Gets the bounding rectangle in world units relative to the top-left of the diagram.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the bounding rectangle that DiagramClientView.EnsureVisible will use. The rectangle is in world units and relative to the top-left of the diagram.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the value of AbsoluteBounds domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.NodeShape.Absolute Bounds

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the Center of the ShapeElement's Absolute Bounds relative to the Diagram's top-left corner regardless of the parent ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the AccessibleObject assigned to the element

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the default action description of the element for use by accessibility client applications

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the description of the element used by accessibility client applications

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a description of what the element does or how the element is used.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the path to the Help file associated with this element.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the help topic identifier associated with this element.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns the accessibility name.


Gets the accessible role of the control

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets additional accessible states of this shape.
By default, the following states are pre-determined: (1) AccessibleStates.Selected, (2) AccessibleStates.Focused, (3) AccessibleStates.Selectable, (4) AccessibleStates.Focusable

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the accessible value for this element.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the variability for the compartment fill color.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the variability for the title fill color.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets whether or not this shape's children are allowed in the same selection group as this parent.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets value which determines if child shapes are allowed to resize this shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets value which determines if this shape can be shrunk as well as grown by changes to its nested children.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the Anchoring behavior for this NodeShape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets or sets whether parent shape(s) should be automatically resized via a rule when this shape's absolute bounds are changed due to move or resize operation.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the brush resource id that will be used to fill the background of the geometry.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the gradient mode for the shape background area.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the bounding rectangle in world units relative to the top-left of the parent shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets or sets the shape's bounds in world units relative to the top-left of the parent shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Returns bounds rules for the compartment

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets a value indicating whether this shape has a distinct collapsed and expanded state. This value must be set to true if the NodeShape's expand and collapse capabilities are used.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets a value indicating whether the ShapeElement can receive the focus.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is allowed to reposition the ShapeElement.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is allowed to resize the ShapeElement. (To modify this value, override the ResizableSides property.)

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is allowed to select the ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the center point of the ShapeElement's bounds.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the style set shared amongst all instances of this class.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether the clipping region should be set to the bounding box of this shape when drawing its child ShapeFields.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
CollapsedSize (Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the value of CompartmentFillColor domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Compartment.Compartment Fill Color

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the compartment fill color from custom storage.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets the list of connection points on this NodeShape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

A collection of decorators for this type of shape. Return null if this type has no decorators. By default, shapes do not have decorators.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the default margin allowed between nested shapes and the bounds of their parent shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the first ShapeField that can receive focus. The field returned should be used as the default shape field to receive key events when the ShapeElement has the focus and the ShapeElement doesn't respond to the key events.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the default size of a ShapeElement in world units.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the diagram that this ShapeElement belongs to. (This can be null.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Preferences for the EnsureVisible method for this Shape. Default value is to return the VisiblePreference for the Diagram hosting this Shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns the list of event handlers attached to this ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
ExpandedSize (Inherited from Compartment)

Gets the FixedFlags properties for a GraphNode.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets or sets whether DragDrop, Key, and Mouse events to this class should be forwarded to the parent shape.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets a collection of the LinkShapes where this NodeShape plays a From role.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the brush resource id that will be used to fill the background of the geometry.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the bounding box of the geometry. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is permitted to resize the geometry. (Intended to be called only by the NodeShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is permitted to resize the geometry. (Intended to be called only by the NodeShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is permitted to resize the geometry. (Intended to be called only by the NodeShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether the user is permitted to resize the geometry. (Intended to be called only by the NodeShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether the background of the geometry will be filled. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether the outline of the geometry will be drawn. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether the geometry displays a shadow. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the pen resource id that will be used to draw the outline of the geometry.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the style set to use for the geometry. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the size of the grid in world units that this shape is on. By default, the parent shape's GridSize is used.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets whether or not this NodeShape has anchoring to its parent turned enabled.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Returns whether a GeometryShape has a background gradient

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether the ShapeElement has one or more child ShapeElements with either a relative or nested relationship.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets whether or not this NodeShape requires the use of connection points.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Returns whether this shape has a custom rendering of a tooltip

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns whether drag-over tooltip is supported by this shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether to draw the background of the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Specifies whether the compartment has highlight

(Inherited from Compartment)

Specifies whether the compartment has outline

(Inherited from Compartment)

Specifies whether the compartment has shadow

(Inherited from Compartment)

Get/Set whether or not the Shape shows a mouse hover tooltip by default

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

The text field of the compartment header.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets the bounds of the header in world units relative to the top-left of this shape.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets the text of the header.

(Inherited from Compartment)

The expand/collapse field of the compartment header.

(Inherited from Compartment)

The text field of the compartment header.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Unique identifier of this element.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Returns true if the Element is currently active within the model, false if the element has been deleted or is in the process of being deleted.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Has the element been deleted from the model. (Deleted elements are not immediately destroyed so that the undo command may undo deleting the element.)

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Has the element been deleted from the model. (Deleted elements are not immediately destroyed so that the undo command may undo deleting the element.)

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Gets or sets the value of IsExpanded domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.NodeShape.Is Expanded

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether this shape is a nested child of its parent rather than a relative child. A nested child is clipped by its parent shape, whereas a relative child is not.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

See if we are a placeable/routable node

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Indicate if this is a port shape

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets a value indicating whether this shape is a relative child of its parent rather than a nested child. A nested child is clipped by its parent shape, whereas a relative child is not.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the visibility attribute of this shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the value of ItemTextColor domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.ListCompartment.Item Text Color

LayoutObjectFixedFlags (Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether intermediate line segments of child link shapes should try to align when the link shapes share a common connected shape. Intermediate line segments are the segments that do not contain either LinkShape endpoints. This property does not affect affinity of this shape with sibling shapes; it only applies to link shapes that are children of this shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether intermediate line segments of child link shapes should try to align when the link shapes share a common connected shape. Intermediate line segments are the segments that do not contain either LinkShape endpoints. This property does not affect affinity of this shape with sibling shapes; it only applies to link shapes that are children of this shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the clearance in world units between child link shapes. This property does not affect line-to-line clearance of this shape with sibling shapes; it only applies to link shapes that are children of this shape. This value must be greater than 1e-6.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the clearance in world units between child link shapes and child node shapes. This property does not affect line-to-node clearance of this shape with sibling shapes; it only applies to shapes that are children of this shape. This value must be greater than 1e-6.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a list of Link. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.LinkConnectsToNode.Nodes

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the main list field for this compartment.


Gets or sets the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the shape's bounds relative to the upper-left corner of its parent.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the maximum size of a ShapeElement in world units.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the minimum size in world units that a user can resize this node shape at the current state.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the minimum size in world units.
The minimum width for a compartment shape is the base minimum width. The minimum height for a compartment shape is the collapsed height.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the model element associated with this presentation element.

(Inherited from PresentationElement)

Gets or sets the value of Name domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Compartment.Name

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets a list of NestedChildShapes. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.ParentShapeContainsNestedChildShapes.ParentShape

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the margin between this ShapeElement's bounding box perimeter and its nested node shapes. The margin is in world units. This margin is to provide a region along the perimeter of this ShapeElement where connection lines can route through.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the clearance in world units between child node shapes. This property does not affect node-to-node clearance of this shape with sibling shapes; it only applies to node shapes that are children of this shape. This value must be greater than 1e-6.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the pen resource id that will be used to draw the outline of the geometry.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the outline pen width in world units. This is useful for inflating the ShapeElement bounding rectangle for invalidation purposes.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

When this shape is selected, whether to draw one selection line to each moveable decorator attached to this shape, if the decorator has been manually placed or sized. The base implementation returns true.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the relationship to the parent ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

ParentShape DomainRole

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the Partition instance that contains this element.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Gets the graphics path which encompasses the ShapeElement outline, including the thickness of the outline pen that lies outside of the ShapePath. The points in the path are in world units relative to the parent ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the FixedFlags properties for a GraphNode.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the related ShapeElement that should be visually emphasized to the user when this shape is selected. This appearance is different from selection and does not indicate that the related shape is selected. The intent is to draw the user's attention to the related shape to help provide context. This property returns null if no shape should be emphasized.

An example usage: The user may not be clear as to which shape a label is associated with, so by visually emphasizing the label's parent shape when the label is selected, the user can quickly identify the related shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets a list of RelativeChildShapes. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.ParentShapeHasRelativeChildShapes.ParentShape

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Can this compartment be resized? Gets the sides of this shape which can be resized by the user.

(Inherited from Compartment)

A collection of shape fields for this type of shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the ShapeGeometry object associated with this ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Determines if view fixup should auto-place nested child shapes of this shape when they are created. By default, this returns false.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Controls what happens when this ShapeElement is selected and the user double-clicks a toolbox item. By default, if CanMerge() fails for this ShapeElement, the double-click action will walk up to this ShapeElement's ParentShape and try the CanMerge() again. If a shape overrides this method to return false, the toolbox double-click will terminate if CanMerge() fails.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the size of the shape's size.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Get the information necessary to snake the list


Get the Store instance that contains this element.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Gets the instance StyleSet if this ShapeElement has one, otherwise gets the ClassStyleSet.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets Subject. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.PresentationViewsSubject.Presentation

(Inherited from PresentationElement)

Returns a collection of ToolboxItemFilterAttribute objects for this shape. These attributes are used to determine items that are enabled/disabled in the toolbox. The collection returned here becomes part of the collection that toolbox items must match in order to be enabled. To define the collection that is part of the toolbox item itself, apply ToolboxItemFilterAttribute(s) to the ModelElement that represents the toolbox item.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or sets the value of Title domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Compartment.Title

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the value of TitleFillColor domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Compartment.Title Fill Color

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the title file color from custom storage.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the value of TitleTextColor domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Compartment.Title Text Color

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets or sets the value of TitleVisibility domain property. Description for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.Diagrams.Compartment.Title Visibility

(Inherited from Compartment)

Gets a collection of the LinkShapes where this NodeShape plays a To role.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the relative Z-Order for this ShapeElement. If this is a diagram then this is the most recent z-order number used to renumber.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)



Performs the default action associated with this accessible object.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Associates this presentation element with its model element.

(Inherited from PresentationElement)

Position the specified collection of ShapeElements using the graph object.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Calculate the DerivedVisible value for this shape, assuming the parent is correct.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Calculates the minimum size needed for this shape to fit all of its children within it.

(Inherited from NodeShape)
CanMerge(ProtoElementBase, ElementGroupPrototype)

Returns a value indicating whether the source element represented by the specified root ProtoElement can be added to this element.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Gets the ModelElement to be used as the target for the ElementGroup merge process.
This is called by the merge process when this element is the target of the merge.
This provides this element with the opportunity to change the target to something other than itself.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Gets the ModelElement to be used as the target for the ElementGroupPrototype merge process.
This is called by the merge process when this element is the target of the merge.
This provides this element with the opportunity to change the target to something other than itself.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Called by ShapeElement.FixUpChildShapes() to determine which shape should be the parent shape for the new child shape. By default, this ShapeElement will be the parent, but there may be cases where a different shape should be.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by ShapeElement.FixUpChildShapes() to get the type of relationship the child ShapeElement has to its parent.

(Inherited from NodeShape)
CoerceSelection(DiagramItem, DiagramClientView, Boolean)

Allows a shape to change the selected items. Called from the select action.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Shrinks the Compartment to fit only its header text field. This can only be called from within a transaction.

(Inherited from Compartment)
ConfiguredChildPortShape(Port, Boolean)

Configure the child PortShape. position the child shape if necessary.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Creates a copy of the element in the model.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Creates a copy of the element in the model.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Creates the AreaField which covers the background area of the shape and displays the gradient fill. Derived classes may override this to change the type of field that is created.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Called by ShapeElement.FixUpChildShapes() to retrieve a new instance of a child shape for the given model element.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Creates the class style set for this ShapeElement

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Creates a connection point with the given center point, and adds it to the ConnectionPoints collection for this shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Instantiates the collection of decorators for this type of shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
CreateDefaultBounds(Double, Double)

Creates and returns a default Bounds that can used by the NodeShape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Create this instance's style set.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Instantiates the collection of shape fields for this type of shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Deletes the element from the model.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Deletes the element from the model.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Goes up the parent shape chain, until it finds a shape that has highlighting turned on, or it has reached the top of the parent chain.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
DoFoldToShape(PointD, PointD)

Calculates the point along the ShapeElement perimeter where the given vector will intersect

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
DoHitTest(PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo, Boolean)

Performs a hittest given a point relative to the Diagram's top-left in world units.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
DoHitTest(PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo)

Performs a hittest given a point relative to the Diagram's top-left in world units.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
DoHitTestSelection(PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo)

Performs a hittest on the selection surrounding the ShapeElement given a point relative to the Diagram's top-left in world units.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
DoKeyboardNavigation(Keys, DiagramClientView)

Calls the appropriate navigation method on the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
DrawResizeFeedback(DiagramPaintEventArgs, RectangleD)

Draws the ShapeElement's resizing feedback using the given absolute bounds for the ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Ensures that appropriate connection points exist for the given link. This method will be called before a the given link is connected to this shape. The default implementation creates a connection point which is midway through the left side of the shape. Derived classes that use connection points can override this to create different connection point(s).

(Inherited from NodeShape)
EnsureGraphExists() (Inherited from NodeShape)

Make sure the underlying graph object shape and its children are present.

(Inherited from NodeShape)
ExcludeFromClipRegion(Graphics, Matrix, GraphicsPath)

Excludes this ShapeElement and its descendent ShapeElements from the clipping region in the specified Graphics object.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
ExcludeGeometryFromClipRegion(Graphics, Matrix, GraphicsPath)

Excludes from the clipping region this geometry, including geometries of descendant IGeometryHost objects. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

If true the shape will not be taken into account to calculate the size of the parent shape

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Grows the Compartment to fit all of its fields. This can only be called from within a transaction.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Expands all of the shapes up the parent hierarchy.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Finds the Decorator with the given name.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by this ShapeElement to get its first descendant in the navigation sequence.

Called by the child ShapeElement or ShapeField to get this shape's first descendant in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
FindFreeArea(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double)

Find a free area in the shape or diagram's graph.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Finds a free area inside this shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Called by the child ShapeElement or ShapeField to get this shape's last descendant in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
FindNextChild(DiagramItem, Boolean)

Called by the child ShapeElement or ShapeField to get the child's first sibling item following it in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
FindNextInChildFields(ShapeField, Boolean)

Finds the first DiagramItem following the specified ShapeField. The search is confined to this shape's ShapeField collection, including its subfields.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
FindPreviousChild(DiagramItem, Boolean)

Called by the child ShapeElement or ShapeField to get the child's first focusable sibling item preceding it in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
FindPreviousInChildFields(ShapeField, Boolean)

Finds the first DiagramItem preceding the specified ShapeField. The search is confined to this shape's ShapeField collection, including its subfields.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns the first ShapeField with the given name in the ShapeFields collection. If a field with the given name is not found, this method returns null.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by Diagram.FixUpDiagram() to provide the opportunity to create and/or configure child shapes in response to adding the specified child element to the model.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns a value indicating whether this shape is focused in the specified view.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Provides backing storage for the NodeShape.AbsoluteBounds property.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the AccessibleObject assigned to the element

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by ShapeElement.FixUpChildShapes() to get a collection of ModelElements that are considered child elements of the specified ModelElement. The child elements returned should have corresponding shape types that can be instantiated as child shapes of this ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetCompliantAnchorPoint(AnchorPoint, PointD, VGRoutingStyle)

Calculates compliant AnchorPoint based of the proposedAnchorPoint parameter. This method completely ignores the co-ordinates of the anchorPoint parameter. Calculations are done based on the co-ordinates of the proposedAnchorPoint and the anchorPoint at opposite end of the link corresponding to the anchorPoint parameter.

(Inherited from NodeShape)
GetCursor(Cursor, DiagramClientView, PointD)

Gets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer is over the ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the most-derived domain class for this element.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Returns mouse drag over tooltip text to show.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetFieldAccessibleDescription(ShapeField) (Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetFieldAccessibleName(ShapeField) (Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetFieldAccessibleValue(ShapeField) (Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the primary ModelElement that the specified child ShapeField represents.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets property information that the specified ShapeField represents.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Provides storage for the NodeShape.IsExpanded property.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Gets the number of items in the specified list field.

GetItemDrawInfo(ListField, Int32, ItemDrawInfo)

Gets drawing information for a single list item in the list field.

GetPotentialMouseAction(MouseButtons, PointD, DiagramHitTestInfo)

Retrieves a mouse action that should be made active on this (or the next) MouseDown event if the mouse is over the specified point.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets or creates the linked element collection

(Inherited from ModelElement)
GetShapeLuminosity(DiagramClientView, Color)

Calculates shape's luminosity based on current color's luminosity, and whether or not it's in the highlight list.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetSubFieldAccessibleDescription(ShapeField, ShapeSubField) (Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetSubFieldAccessibleName(ShapeField, ShapeSubField) (Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetSubFieldAccessibleValue(ShapeField, ShapeSubField) (Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetSubFieldRepresentedElements(ShapeField, ShapeSubField)

Gets a collection of ModelElements that the specified ShapeSubField represents.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetSubFieldRepresentedProperty(ShapeField, ShapeSubField)

Gets the property descriptor associated with the specified subfield.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
GetSubFieldRepresentedPropertyElements(ShapeField, ShapeSubField)

Gets the element that hosts the property displayed by a subfield. This may be different from the element returned by GetSubFieldRepresentedElements because the actual DomainPropertyInfo returned by GetSubFieldRepresentedProperty may be hosted in a child of the represented element.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Gets the tooltip text for the PEL element under the cursor

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns true if the Drag Over result is cached.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Hide (make invisible) the shape and all its children

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Hide the shape's custom tooltip

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
InitializeDecorators(IList<ShapeField>, IList<Decorator>)

Instantiates and adds shape fields (such as text and images) to this shape type.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Overrides existing resources for this instance of ShapeElement. This method is called after the instance style set has been instantiated. Override this method to modify existing resources for this ShapeElement instance.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Initialize resources for the shape based on the provided style set

(Inherited from Compartment)

Adds the list field to the compartment shape.


Invalidates the ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Invalidates the ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Invalidates the ShapeElement with the specified rectangle used as its absolute bounds.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns a value indicating whether this shape is a descendant of the specified shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified character corresponds to a navigational command.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns a value indicating whether the specified key data corresponds to a navigational command.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

A method to help iterator through a shape and all its child shapes. The method will recursively go through all the child shapes of this shape and call the given iterator with each shape encountered. Note: The base implementation is that the traversal is depth-first, and NestedChildShapes are iterated before RelativeChildShapes.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

PresentationElements should not override MergeConfigure() because it will not be called on PELs during Merge. Instead, PELs should use the view fixup overrides.

(Inherited from PresentationElement)

Performs operation opposite to MergeRelate - i.e. disconnects a given element from the current one (removes links created by MergeRelate).

(Inherited from ModelElement)
MergeRelate(ModelElement, ElementGroup)

PresentationElements should not override MergeRelate() because it will not be called on PELs during Merge. Instead, PELs should use the view fixup overrides.

(Inherited from PresentationElement)
ModifyLuminosity(Int32, DiagramClientView)

Calculates highlight luminosity based on: if L >= 160, then L = L * 0.9 else, L += 40.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Repositions the shapes in the ElementGroupPrototype by the amount determined by the mouse position.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
MoveByRepositioning(ElementGroupPrototype, DiagramItemCollection, PointD, DiagramItem)

Repositions the shapes in the given prototype to the specified point.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
NavigateAcrossLinks(SelectedShapesCollection, Boolean)

Selects shapes that are connected to this shape.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Called by this ShapeElement to set focus to its first focusable ancestor in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by this ShapeElement to set focus to its first focusable descendant in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
NavigateTo(DiagramItem, SelectedShapesCollection)

Called by the Navigate methods to set the focus to the specified DiagramItem.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by this ShapeElement to set focus to this shape's first sibling (i.e., the parent's first child) in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by this ShapeElement to set focus to this shape's last sibling (i.e., the parent's last child) in the navigation sequence.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by this ShapeElement to set focus to the next object in the navigation sequence. The selection's focused item is ignored; this shape is assumed to be the ShapeElement from which to start navigating.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by this ShapeElement to set focus to the previous object in the navigation sequence. The selection's focused item is ignored; this shape is assumed to be the ShapeElement from which to start navigating.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
OnAbsoluteBoundsChanged(AbsoluteBoundsChangedEventArgs) (Inherited from NodeShape)

Called when a property changes.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

OnBeforePaint is called at the start of the ShapeElement's painting. It provides an opportunity for developers to update and override resources before they're used in painting.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called when in-place editing has begun.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
OnBoundsFixup(BoundsFixupState, Int32, Boolean)

Allows last opportunity for bounds to be userFixed during view and diagram fixup. Base implementation just applies the currently set BoundsRules on this shape. You can override this method to apply other specific bounds fixup as well.

(Inherited from NodeShape)
OnChildConfigured(ShapeElement, Boolean, Boolean)

Configure ports on shape when it is added

(Inherited from NodeShape)
OnChildConfiguring(ShapeElement, Boolean)

Configure ports on shape when it is added

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Overrides OnClick to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Called when a copy of the element has been created. The method is called on the duplicate element.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Called by the model after the element has been deleted.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Called by the model before the element is deleted.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Called by the ShapeField's default OnDoubleClick() handler.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Forwards OnDragDrop message to the parent if the property is set.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Event raised when an IDataObject drag enters the ShapeElement's bounds.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event raised when an IDataObject drag leaves the ShapeElement's bounds.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Forwards OnDragOver message to the parent if the property is set.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Called when in-place editing has ended.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

This method is called when a shape is inititially created, Override this function so we can provide a type descriptor of its parent.


When the key down is pressed, we need to see if it's Up/Down key and perform proper navigation here.


Overrides OnKeyPress to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Overrides OnKeyUp to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Overrides OnMouseDown to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Default implementation of ShapeElement event for OnMouseEnter.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Default implementation of ShapeElement event for OnMouseHover.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Default implementation of ShapeElement event for OnMouseLeave.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by the control's OnMouseMove().

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Overrides OnMouseUp to forward events to parent shape if ForwardEventsToParent == true.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Called by the control's OnMouseWheel().

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

During deserialization, if a shape is not connected to any model element through PresentationViewsSubject relationship when it should, it is considered "orphaned". This method is called when such a shape is encountered during deserialization. Note: The base implementation will remove the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Draws visual emphasis on the shape. This does not indicate selection, it only draws the user's attention to this shape when another shape is selected. (See ShapeElement.RelatedShapeToEmphasize.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Draws the drag/drop feedback when this ShapeElement (or possibly one of its descendents) is under the mouse. This is called by the control's OnPaint().

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

The standard selection is not drawn.

(Inherited from Compartment)

Draws the ShapeElement. This is called by the control's OnPaint().

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
OnParentNodeShapeChanged(RectangleD, RectangleD)

This method is invoked if a) ParentShape is NodeShape b) ParentShape either moved or resized.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Called by the model after the element has been resurrected (placed back into the store).

(Inherited from ModelElement)
OnRolePlayerPositionChanged(DomainRoleInfo, ElementLink, Int32, Int32)

Virtual method for notifying when role player position has changed.

(Inherited from ModelElement)
OnRolePlayerPositionChanging(DomainRoleInfo, ElementLink, Int32, Int32)

Virtual method for notifying when role player position will be changing.

(Inherited from ModelElement)

Called when this ShapeElement is made a child ShapeElement of its parent ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called when this ShapeElement is no longer a child ShapeElement of its parent ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Set the shape's styles into the given styleset


Sets up and fires the ResizeParentRule with the appropriate information for this shape's parent. It only fires the event once per iteration and keeps a list of all of the changes that will be handled later.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
PerformResizeParentRule(Boolean, ShapeElement)

Sets up and fires the ResizeParentRule with the appropriate information for this shape's parent. It only fires the event once per iteration and keeps a list of all of the changes that will be handled later.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Sets up and fires the ShapeAnchoringRule with the appropriate information for this shape's parent. It only fires the event once per iteration and keeps a list of all of the changes that will be handled later.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Opportunity to influence the visibility of your child shapes

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Process the consequential change from a change in the visibility of this shape

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Purge all graph layout objects in this hierarchy. Purge all points from wires - the point collection off the shape, not the graph points as the are already gone.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

This method removes any points present

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Performs view fixup on this ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

removes (deletes) this ShapeElement from the GraphWrapper as well as its relative and nested child shapes.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Returns a value indicating whether this shape is selected in the specified view.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Provides backing storage for the NodeShape.AbsoluteBounds property.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

If this shape's visibility has been adjusted before the graph layout object is created then make sure the two are in sync.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Provides storage for the NodeShape.IsExpanded property.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Set the visibility state of the shape and all its children

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Main impementation for Show and Hide

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Called by ShapeElement.FixUpChildShapes() to get a value indicating whether a ShapeElement should be created and added as a child of this ShapeElement.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Decides whether or not a shape should be reparented when it's moved.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Show (Make visible) the shape and all its children

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
ShowCustomToolTip(String, IWin32Window, Point)

Show the shape's custom tooltip with the given hints on text and position

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Assigns a side to the port

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Returns the accessible-name of this object, plus its subtype.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Translates a rectangle from coordinates relative to the top-left of the IGeometryHost's parent to absolute world coordinates.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Translates a rectangle from absolute world coordinates to coordinates relative to the top-left of the IGeometryHost's parent.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Translates a rectangle from coordinates relative to the parent shape to absolute world coordinates.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Translates a rectangle from absolute world coordinates to coordinates relative to the parent shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Recalculates the visibility states of the descendent shapes based on overrides of the method PermitChildVisibility. The default behavior is to base the child's visibility state on the parent's IsExpanded property. Internal note: this also syncs the visibility states of any descendent subgraphs in the graph object.

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Update the derived visible state of this shape

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
UpdateGeometryLuminosity(DiagramClientView, Brush)

Modifies the luminosity of the specified brush. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)
UpdateGeometryLuminosity(DiagramClientView, Pen)

Modifies the luminosity of the specified pen. (Intended to be called only by the ShapeGeometry-derived classes.)

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

When overriden in a derived class, this method changes the size of the compartment based on its internal data.

(Inherited from Compartment)



Event for changes to the property AbsoluteBounds for this element

(Inherited from NodeShape)

Event fired when the shape is clicked.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when the shape is double-clicked.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when the shape has focus and a keyboard key is down.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when the shape has focused and a character is typed.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when the shape has focus and a keyboard key is released.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when a mouse button is pressed on the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when the cursor moves over the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when a mouse button is released on the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Event fired when the mouse wheel moves while the cursor is over the shape.

(Inherited from ShapeElement)

Explicit Interface Implementations

Extension Methods


This method ensures that the real model element corresponding to the PresentationElement is returned. For DslDesigner PELs, the corresponding subject may actually be an internal TreeNode class and not the actual MEL. This method handles those cases correctly so that the actual MEL is returned.

AddExtension(ModelElement, DomainClassInfo)

Extend this ModelElement with a newly instantiated extension of the specified domain type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of that type.

AddExtension(ModelElement, ExtensionElement)

Extend this ModelElement with a specific extension. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of the same type.

AddExtension(ModelElement, Guid)

Extend this ModelElement with newly instantiated extension of the identified domain type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of that type.

AddExtension(ModelElement, Type)

Extend this ModelElement with a newly instantiated extension of the specified type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of that type.


Extend this ModelElement with a newly instantiated extension of a particular type. An InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the element already has an extension of the same type.


Return an enumerable that performs a breadth first traversal across the tree of extension elements embedded in this ModelElement.


Returns the root of the virtual MEL in which the specified ModelElement is participating.

GetExtension(ModelElement, DomainClassInfo)
GetExtension(ModelElement, Guid)
GetExtension(ModelElement, Type)

Get the ExtensionElement of the specified type from the available extensions of this ModelElement. If the element has no such extension then an InvalidOperationException will be raised.


Get the ExtensionElement of the specified type from the available extensions of this ModelElement. If the element has no such extension then an InvalidOperationException will be raised.

IsExtendedBy(ModelElement, DomainClassInfo)

Query whether this ModelElement is currently extended by an ExtensionElement of a particular type.

IsExtendedBy(ModelElement, Guid)

Query whether this ModelElement is currently extended by an ExtensionElement of a particular type.

IsExtendedBy(ModelElement, Type)

Query whether this ModelElement is currently extended by an ExtensionElement of a particular type.

RemoveExtension(ModelElement, DomainClassInfo)

Remove any extension of the specified ModelElement that is of a particular type.

RemoveExtension(ModelElement, ExtensionElement)

Remove a specified ExtensionElement from the extensions of this ModelElement.

RemoveExtension(ModelElement, Guid)

Remove any extension of the specified ModelElement that is of a particular type.

RemoveExtension(ModelElement, Type)

Remove any extension of this ModelElement that is of a particular type.

TryGetExtension(ModelElement, DomainClassInfo)
TryGetExtension(ModelElement, Guid)
TryGetExtension(ModelElement, Type)

Get the ExtensionElement of the specified type from the available extensions of this ModelElement. If this element has no such extension then the result will be null.

CanDelete(ModelElement, Guid[])

Deletes the element from the model.


Get the lock flags for this element. This will include any locks enabled on the Partition containing the element.

IsLocked(ModelElement, Locks)

Test whether this element has any of a specified set of locks

SetLocks(ModelElement, Locks)

Set the lock flags of this element

Applies to

Product Versions
Visual Studio SDK 2017, 2019, 2022