ImageScalingMode Enum


The scaling mode to use for WinForms/Win32 images

public enum class ImageScalingMode


Name Value Description
Default 0

Let the shell pick what looks best depending on the current DPI zoom factor

BorderOnly 1

Keep the actual image unscaled, add a border around the image

NearestNeighbor 2

Sharp results, but pixelated, and possibly distorted unless multiple of 100% scaling

Bilinear 3

Smooth results, without distorsions, but fuzzy (uses GDI+ InterpolationMode.Bilinear)

Bicubic 4

Smooth results, without distorsions, but fuzzy (uses GDI+ InterpolationMode.Bicubic)

HighQualityBilinear 5

Smooth results, without distorsions, but fuzzy (uses GDI+ InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear)

HighQualityBicubic 6

Smooth results, without distorsions, but fuzzy (uses GDI+ InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic)

MixedNearestNeighborHighQualityBicubic 7

Sharper results than Bicubic for large zoom levels, without distorsions, but fuzzy (2 steps-scaling, uses NearestNeighbor up to the closest multiple of 100%, then GDI+ InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic from there)


DEV NOTE: The image scaling modes available here for WinForms and WPF match the similar scaling modes for Win32 from vscommon\vsuilib\VsUIDpiHelper.h If changes are made to algorithms in this managed DpiHelper class, matching changes will have to be made to the native class, too.

Applies to

Product Versions
Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022