Show reports from named and shared Power BI workspaces in Business Central


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

Flexibility in your work and your workspace is essential and this also applies to data analysis and business intelligence. With that in mind, Power BI had introduced named and shared workspaces, but in Business Central, you were only able to use the default workspace and the ones provided by Business Central. Now you can embed reports from any of your personal or shared Power BI workspaces into Business Central.

Feature details

With this feature, when selecting which Power BI reports to show in Business Central, Power BI returns the list of workspaces you have access to and the reports in the workspaces. (The permissions you have in Business Central still apply.) You can then choose one of the reports and have it embedded in Business Central.

Business Central and Power BI workspaces

If you have a report in a shared team or organization-wide workspace, it can now also be embedded in Business Central.

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See also

Working with Power BI Reports in Business Central (docs)