Support building mathematics skills with Math Progress
Math Progress helps learners build skill through educator-led and assigned activities and saves educators time with intuitive problem generation and grading features and progress data through Insights.
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this module, you'll be able to:
- Identify how Math Progress addresses the needs of educators and learners
- Explain how to set up a Math Progress assignment
- Describe the learner's experience of a Math Progress assignment
- Explain the educator review process and how to manually review an assignment
- Demonstrate how to access Math Progress insights and analytics at the individual and class level for educators and system leaders
Educator - Analyst
Educator - Facilitator
Educator - Learner
UNESCO Standards for Educators:
- Pedagogy
UNESCO AI Competency Framework:
A human-centered mindset
Ethics of AI
AI foundations and applications
AI pedagogy
AI for professional development