An incorrect company appears in the Company drop-down list when you try to log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article provides a solution to an issue where an incorrect company appears in the Company drop-down list when you try to log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number: 968058
When you try to log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, an incorrect company appears in the Company drop-down list in the Company Login window. The incorrect company is either a duplicate of your company or a company that does not exist.
This problem occurs because a duplicate record or an invalid record refers to the companies in the tables in the DYNAMICS database.
To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods.
Method 1
If the incorrect company is a company that does not exist or a duplicate of an invalid company, use this method.
- The following ClearCompanys.sql script is a script to remove all entries in the DYNAMICS database that refer to the databases that no longer exist on the computer that is running Microsoft SQL Server.
- Before you run this script to remove the company database from the tables in the DYNAMICS database, you must remove the company database from the computer that is running SQL Server.
- Before you use this method, make sure that you have a complete backup copy of the database so that you can restore the database if a problem occurs.
To use this method, run the ClearCompanies.sql script to remove incorrect records that refer to companies from the DYNAMICS database. To do this, follow these steps:
Start the Support Administrator Console, Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer, or SQL Server Management Studio. To do this, use one of the following methods depending on the program that you are using.
Method 1: For SQL Server Desktop Engine
If you are using SQL Server Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000), start the Support Administrator Console. To do this, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Administrator Console, and then click Support Administrator Console.
Method 2: For SQL Server 2000
If you are using SQL Server 2000, start SQL Query Analyzer. To do this, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then click Query Analyzer.
Method 3: For SQL Server 2005
If you are using SQL Server 2005, start SQL Server Management Studio. To do this, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
Method 4: For SQL Server 2008
If you are using SQL Server 2008, start SQL Management Studio. to do this, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.
Run the following ClearCompanies.sql script:
set nocount on /* Remove all references in the company master table (table SY01500) for databases that do not exist on the Microsoft SQL Server server. */ delete DYNAMICS..SY01500 where INTERID not in (select name from master..sysdatabases) /* Remove the tables from the DYNAMICS database if the CMPANYID value of the table does not match any company IDs in table SY01500. */ USE DYNAMICS declare @CMPANYID char(150) declare CMPANYID_Cleanup CURSOR for select 'delete ' + + ' where CMPANYID not in (0,-32767)' + ' and CMPANYID not in (select CMPANYID from DYNAMICS..SY01500)' from sysobjects o, syscolumns c = and o.type = 'U' and = 'CMPANYID' and <> 'SY01500' order by OPEN CMPANYID_Cleanup FETCH NEXT from CMPANYID_Cleanup into @CMPANYID while (@@FETCH_STATUS <>-1) begin exec (@CMPANYID) FETCH NEXT from CMPANYID_Cleanup into @CMPANYID end DEALLOCATE CMPANYID_Cleanup go /* Remove the tables from the DYNAMICS database if the companyID value of the table does not match any company IDs in table SY01500. */ USE DYNAMICS declare @companyID char(150) declare companyID_Cleanup CURSOR for select 'delete ' + + ' where companyID not in (0,-32767)' + ' and companyID not in (select CMPANYID from DYNAMICS..SY01500)' from sysobjects o, syscolumns c = and o.type = 'U' and = 'companyID' and <> 'SY01500' set nocount on OPEN companyID_Cleanup FETCH NEXT from companyID_Cleanup into @companyID while (@@FETCH_STATUS <>-1) begin exec (@companyID) FETCH NEXT from companyID_Cleanup into @companyID end DEALLOCATE companyID_Cleanup go /* Remove the tables from the DYNAMICS database if the db_name value of the table does not match any company names (INTERID) in table SY01500. */ USE DYNAMICS declare @db_name char(150) declare db_name_Cleanup CURSOR for select 'delete ' + + ' where db_name <> ''DYNAMICS'' and db_name <> '''' and db_name not in (select INTERID from DYNAMICS..SY01500)' from sysobjects o, syscolumns c = and o.type = 'U' and = 'db_name' set nocount on OPEN db_name_Cleanup FETCH NEXT from db_name_Cleanup into @db_name while (@@FETCH_STATUS <>-1) begin exec (@db_name) FETCH NEXT from db_name_Cleanup into @db_name end DEALLOCATE db_name_Cleanup GO set nocount on /* Remove the tables from the DYNAMICS database if the dbname value of the table does not match any company names (INTERID) in table SY01500. */ USE DYNAMICS declare @dbname char(150) declare dbname_Cleanup CURSOR for select 'delete ' + + ' where DBNAME <> ''DYNAMICS'' and DBNAME <> '''' and DBNAME not in (select INTERID from DYNAMICS..SY01500)' from sysobjects o, syscolumns c = and o.type = 'U' and = 'DBNAME' set nocount on OPEN dbname_Cleanup FETCH NEXT from dbname_Cleanup into @dbname while (@@FETCH_STATUS <>-1) begin exec (@dbname) FETCH NEXT from dbname_Cleanup into @dbname end DEALLOCATE dbname_Cleanup GO set nocount on /* Remove all stranded references from the other Business Alerts table that do not exist in table SY40500. */ delete SY40502 where BARULEID NOT IN (SELECT BARULEID FROM SY40500) delete SY40503 where BARULEID NOT IN (SELECT BARULEID FROM SY40500) delete SY40504 where BARULEID NOT IN (SELECT BARULEID FROM SY40500) delete SY40505 where BARULEID NOT IN (SELECT BARULEID FROM SY40500) delete SY40506 where BARULEID NOT IN (SELECT BARULEID FROM SY40500) GO
Log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Great Plains 8.0 again.
Method 2
If the incorrect company is a duplicate of a valid company, use this method to reconcile the User-Company Access table. To do this, follow these steps:
Log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP or to Microsoft Great Plains 8.0 as the sa user.
In the Company Login window, click the company that you want to use in the Company drop-down list, and then click OK.
Use the appropriate method:
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, click Microsoft Dynamics GP, click Tools, click Utilities, click System, and then click Reconcile.
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, click Tools, click Utilities, click System, and then click Reconcile.
In the Reconcile window, click User-Company Access in the Tables pane, and then click Insert. After you do this, the User-Company Access table appears in the List to Reconcile pane.
Click Reconcile.
In the Report Destination window, click to select one or more of the following check boxes in the Destination area:
- Screen
- Printer
- File
Click OK.
Exit Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0.
Log on to Microsoft Dynamics GP or Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0 again.