A design based on Monotype 20th Century, which was drawn by Sol Hess between 1936 and 1947. Century Gothic maintains the basic design of 20th Century but has an enlarged 'x' height and has been modified to ensure satisfactory output from modern digital systems. The design is influenced by the geometric style sans serif faces which were popular during the 1920's and 30's. Useful for headlines and general display work and for small quantities of text, particularly in advertising.
File name
Gothic.ttf Gothicb.ttf Gothicbi.ttf Gothici.ttf
Styles & Weights
Century Gothic Century Gothic Bold Century Gothic Bold Italic Century Gothic Italic
1252 Latin 1 1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe 1251 Cyrillic 1253 Greek 1254 Turkish 1257 Windows Baltic Mac Roman Macintosh Character Set (US Roman) 869 IBM Greek 866 MS-DOS Russian 865 MS-DOS Nordic 863 MS-DOS Canadian French 861 MS-DOS Icelandic 860 MS-DOS Portuguese 857 IBM Turkish 855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian 852 Latin 2 775 MS-DOS Baltic 737 Greek; former 437 G 850 WE/Latin 1 437 US