DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION enumeration (directml.h)
Defines constants that specify the specific reduction algorithm to use for the DirectML reduce operator (as described by the DML_REDUCE_OPERATOR_DESC structure).
typedef enum DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION {
} ;
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_ARGMAX Indicates a reduction function that computes the indices of the max elements of the input tensor's elements along the specified axis, int32 {i j k ..} = maxindex(X Y Z …). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_ARGMIN Indicates a reduction function that computes the indices of the min elements of the input tensor's elements along the specified axis, int32 {i j k ..} = minindex(X Y Z …). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_AVERAGE Indicates a reduction function that computes the mean of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = (x1 + x2 + ... + xn) / n. |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_L1 Indicates a reduction function that computes the L1 norm of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = |x1| + |x2| + ... + |xn|. |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_L2 Indicates a reduction function that computes the L2 norm of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = sqrt(x1^2 + x2^2 + ... + xn^2). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_LOG_SUM Indicates a reduction function that computes the log sum of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = log(x1 + x2 + ... + xn). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_LOG_SUM_EXP Indicates a reduction function that computes the log sum exponent of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = log(exp(x1) + exp(x2) + ... + exp(xn)). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MAX Indicates a reduction function that computes the max of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = max(max(max(x1, x2), x3), ..., xn). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MIN Indicates a reduction function that computes the min of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = min(min(min(x1, x2), x3), ..., xn). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MULTIPLY Indicates a reduction function that computes the product of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = (x1 * x2 * ... * xn). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_SUM Indicates a reduction function that computes the sum of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = (x1 + x2 + ... + xn). |
DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_SUM_SQUARE Indicates a reduction function that computes the sum square of the input tensor's elements along the specified axes, x = x1^2 + x2^2 + ... + xn^2. |
Requirement | Value |
Header | directml.h |